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NEW  The Thinking Train-D: The Desert Race(Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

NEW The Thinking Train-D: The Desert Race(Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

國王要舉辦比賽選出全國最優秀的年輕人,擔任國王的顧問。Irdina is the bravest. Alya is the fasted. Nour is the most intelligent. Mayar is the most creative. 誰會獲勝呢?

故事中可以看到較長的文句,學生可以利用這個故事熟悉分詞片語、名詞子句以及表示原因與時間的副詞子句,例如「Irdina steps forward, leading a big black horse.」。

the first, the second, the bravest, the fastest, the most intelligent, the most creative


I Can Read 4: The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches

I Can Read 4: The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches

跟著家中年紀最小、法力最弱的女巫 Wendy 一起跳脫與他人比較的框架,活出自己的特色~

除了形容詞比較級、最高級,還可以學到原級的比較用法「as fency as…」以及副詞最高級用法「She flew the fastest.」。

young, weak, best, spell, frightening, broomstick


Read and Discover Pack 3: Super Structures

(with Audio Download Access Code)

Read and Discover Pack 3: Super Structures (with Audio Download Access Code)

認識世界上著名的建築結構,同時內化形容詞最高級!一起來認識the longest tunnel、the tallest skyscraper 及 the biggest metal building 吧!

談到這些建物的建築過程,也能讓讀者熟悉被動語態的用法,例如「Arch dams are made of concrete.」、「The first dam was built…」等。

structure, tunnel, skyscraper, telescope, electricity, submarine


I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean!

I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean!



ocean, shrimp, clam, shark, jellyfish, octopus
