│ 進階文法繪讀本書單 A1+ │

many, much, some, a lot of, most, both, one, all, any

many, much, some, any, most, both, one, all, a lot of

NEW Oxford Read & Discover-L3-Festivals around the world

NEW Oxford Read & Discover-L3-Festivals around the world

每個國家都有屬於他們自己的傳統節日,還有許多特別的慶典活動。你知道的有哪些呢?Many people~

在所有的節慶中,新年對於世界各地的人們而言應該是最別具意義的一個。他們都怎麼過呢?All around the world~

carnival, Christian, Christmas, Thanksgiving, costume, Halloween


NEW  The Thinking Train-C: Be a Good Sport

(Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

NEW  The Thinking Train-C: Be a Good Sport (Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

愛生氣的Jin沒有任何朋友。有一天,學校來了一位新的足球教練…看教練耐心帶著Jin跟同伴相處,體會從 not any 到 all 的美好!


soccer, coach, team, teammate, angry, score


NEW  Who We Are! All about being the same and being different

NEW  Who We Are! All about being the same and being different

每個人看起來都長得不太一樣,有些人長頭髮,有些人則是短頭髮~Some people have~and some have~

有些人看起來會有很多相似之處,但也不完全相像~look a lot alike, but not exactly alike~

same, different, exactly, chocolate, almond, person


NEW  Reading House-L3-Jack & the Beanstalk

NEW  Reading House-L3-Jack & the Beanstalk

家喻戶曉的”傑克與豌豆”總能吸引孩子們的興致,而且想要一遍又一遍的重複閱讀。~some money~

你是不是偶而會犯傻,或是身邊的人也會不小心做些蠢事呢?哈!Don’t be silly.

beanstalk, money, furious, castle, silly, giant
