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頻率副詞 (always, usually 等) 及其 How often 問句

頻率副詞 (always, usually 等) 及其 How often 問句

NEW The Thinking Train-C: The Three Seeds

(Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

NEW The Thinking Train-C: The Three Seeds (Book+APP+Online Game Access Code)

住在農場的孩子,日常生活是什麼呢?除了 sometimes 和 often,還可以認識用來表示時間的副詞喔。


sheep, pony, tomato, water, taste, flower


Daisy: Really, Really

Daisy: Really, Really

一起來看新保母如何用一個一個問題來認識 Daisy 平常的生活作息~ What time do you usually go to bed?

看媽媽回家後,怎麼利用 Tag questions 來跟新保母核對 Daisy 一天的作息。She was in bed by eight, wasn’t she?

excited, babysitter, usually, midnight, dirty, pajamas


Our World Readers 3-1: Caring for Elephant Orphans

Our World Readers 3-1: Caring for Elephant Orphans

在大象孤兒院裡,大象的一天作息相當規律,「They always get up at 5:30 in the morning.」一起來認識大象吧!

透過大象的一天作息,還能熟悉許多表示時間的介系詞片語,例如「in the morning」、「during the day」、「at night」等。

bottle, bug, forest, hunter,hurt, mud


I Can Read 2: Amazing Gorillas!

I Can Read 2: Amazing Gorillas!

大猩猩跟人類一樣是家族群居的動物,你知道「Sometimes one gorilla grooms another」嗎?一起來認識大猩猩吧!

讀本中透過「以 When 開頭、表時間的副詞子句」延展現在簡單式的句構,讓讀者能輕鬆但深入認識大猩猩的可愛之處。

silver, gorilla, primate, sometimes, often, protect
