從語言學習開始了解世界【跨領域教學 — 英語與社會】

By 2018-06-26 8 月 24th, 2018 觀點 Perspective, 跨領域教學




  1. School Days
  2. At Home With My Family
  3. Living in a Community
  4. In and Around the Land
  5. My Country, My Heroes
  6. My World Near and Far




因應學生的英語能力不同,螺旋式課程由簡入繁的設計可以幫助教師針對 beginners, on-level, advanced 三種不同程度的學生設定差異化的學習目標和相關練習。以主題 School Workers 的教案設計為例,校園是學生每天投入最長時間學習的環境,而校務之所以能正常運作則仰賴於一群人辛勤地工作、在校園各處各司其職。因此 on-level 學生的學習目標即為認識校內的工作人員、他們的職稱以及工作內容。

一般教案 On-level 


(1) Identify school workers.

(2) Explore the kinds of work that school workers perform. 


(1) Many different people with a wide variety of abilities, skills, and functions work individually and as a team to make a school successful.

(2) Explain that a school needs many different people to do many jobs.  Everyone at school helps to make sure students learn happily and safely. For example: The librarian at our school helps students find books.

Vocabulary: job, worker, principal, teacher, librarian, food server, nurse, janitor

Guided Practice:

(1) Ask questions: e.g.  Who is our principal?  What does he/she do to help our school?

(2) Distribute the School Workers worksheet.  Have students identify school workers and tell how they help others.

 (3) Invite students to interview one school worker from the school and to draw that person on the back of the worksheet. 

 (4) Ask students to name that person and describe what he/she does to help the school.


 (1) Review the School Workers worksheet to ensure that students are able to identify school workers and their jobs.

 (2) Ask students to sit in a circle with classmates who interviewed the same school worker and compare/contrast their drawings and responses.

Extension / Homework:  Make a “Thank you” card for your favorite school worker.



初階教案 Beginners


(1) Name the people who work in our school.


(1) Write the word “worker” on the board. Ask students to describe what a worker is.

(2) Define “job” as the work a person does. e.g.  Mr. Brown is our school janitor.  He cleans up every day.

Vocabulary: worker, job

Guided Practice:

(1) Help students solve a “work song” riddle.  e.g.   I am a school worker:  I work in a classroom.  I help children learn many things. Who am I?

(2) Help students identify school workers.


進階教案 Advanced

Additional Objective:

(1) Describe the work role of students in school.

(2) Identify community helpers.

Guided Practice:

(1) Write three facts you know about each school worker.

What do they do?











(2)  Group discussion:  What do students do to help others at school?

(3)  Compare/contrast your chosen school worker to another community helper, such as a baker or firefighter.



以主題 Schools Long Ago 為例,在尚未進入主題前可進行提問式的引導,如Can you imagine what was school like a hundred years ago?


  1. What are some things you can look at to find out about schools long ago?
  2. How are that classroom and our classroom alike? How are they different?
  3. Why do you think a classroom would have stoves?
  4. How did children go to school long ago? How do children go to school today?



關於課後活動和作業的規劃,除了習作,我更傾向引導學生大量的觀察、思考和實作。例如:以主題 Schools Long Ago 做延伸,課後作業可以請學生以圖畫呈現出對未來世界學校的想像,請他們上台分享。學生還可以做分組討論,思考為什麼要上學? 除了上學,還有哪些不同的學習模式? 透過同儕間的互動合作和腦力激盪達到主動建構知識的目的。



Claudia Hoone (2000) Harcourt Brace – Social Studies – A Child’s Place  – Teacher’s Edition G.1


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