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以 What 引導的問句及回應之句型

以 What 引導的問句及回應之句型
NEW Ladybird Readers-beginner What color, Spot?
NEW Ladybird Readers-beginner What color, Spot?

跟著快樂的Spot,開心地來學習用英語發問並認識顏色吧!What color is the~?

除了身邊的景物之外,別漏掉了自己的東西喔!What color is your~?
Read and Imagine Pack 1: Rainforest Rescue
(with Audio Download Access Code)
Read and Imagine Pack 1: Rainforest Rescue(with Audio Download Access Code)

跟著主角進入雨林展開一段有趣的冒險之旅吧!別忘了,冒險的時候,多問一下總是比較安全~What’s that?

Dolphin Readers Starter: Monkeying Around
Dolphin Readers Starter: Monkeying Around

森林裡的矮樹叢裡到底藏了甚麼?What is it? / What are they? 跟著我一起來打破砂鍋問到底吧!

在認識五官的同時,還能一起學會It is a…/They are…的名詞單複數用法。
I Can Read My First: What’s That, Mittens?
I Can Read My First: What’s That, Mittens?

跟著滿腦子古靈精怪的小貓咪四處闖蕩,無形中也將「What’s that?」的句型用法深刻在腦海中。

故事中不但使用了大量的現在簡單式,還有許多實用及有趣的片語~back and forth、face to face,等你來發現!