《Mark Richard – 激發學習熱情,你也能幫學生內建語言轉換力》
Why aren’t students motivated, and what does motivate them? How can we motivate our students to engage in classroom activities? How can we help students to convert the language input they receive into language output? In these three videos, the presenter will answer common teacher questions related to motivation and output.
Language: English │ Course Length: 30 mins
《彭若寧 – 英語不只是學科!用閱讀超前部署學生的聽說讀寫》
讓我們超前部署,藉著讀本閱讀幫助學生們打下聽說讀寫的基礎,並且在課堂中融入趣味的 STEAM 元素,讓英文不只是一門學科,也是學生們認識這個世界的另一扇窗!
課程語言:中文 │ 課程時長:30 mins
《Cheyenne Maechtle – 一窺學生「樂於說出口」的教學技巧》
It is not easy for learners to initiate a conversation when they don’t receive sufficient input and are not confident. In order to help teachers deal with this difficulty and motivate learners to practice speaking English, we need to get students ready. Once they are set, they can talk in English whenever there is a real need.
Language: English │ Course Length: 30 mins
《Sunny Choi – 基礎兒美課程的 3 劑強心針》
Do your students tend to easily forget what they’ve learned after stepping out of the classroom? Do your students often seem bored in class? Have you ever wondered what to do to go beyond teaching just English? In this session, the speaker, Sunny Choi, will share ideas on the above problems and provide practical solutions to each problem.
Language: English │ Course Length: 30 mins