Caves Connect 聚集
The Power of Materials 是聚集希望能傳達出去的概念, 好的教材、教具與資源可以讓教學者的備課減半、學習者的成效加倍, 透過聚集,老師可以認識最新的教學資源與應用。
Reading Street 新版發表會
What is Common Core Standards? Why do you need to care about Common Core Standard from US? How does CCSS help you and your students? How do we apply that in Taiwan? 美國核心教育標準大解析 x 英語教學趨勢大揭密

Alison Davis
Alison Davis is a passionate educator who uses engaging, entertaining and practical educational strategies for teachers and leaders in international markets. She has extensive experience with school improvement, teacher development, specialist coaching and curriculum consultancy in over 50 countries using practical, research-driven instructional strategies. Alison is a highly respected keynote speaker and engaging workshop presenter on quality instructional strategies and school improvement. She has been a Principal, curriculum director, coach and classroom teacher for over 40 years. Alison is committed to turning the most current educational research into implementation for leadership and classroom. She believes in supporting leaders to lead and inspire teachers to teach with power and passion.
10:00 – 12:00
Reading Like a Detective with Reading Street by Alison Davis
This workshop will provide a hands-on approach to understanding the CCSS for English Language Arts using Reading Street. In this workshops, participants will:
- Explore the anchor standards for Reading
- Explore instructional shifts for English Language Arts
- Model close reading strategies
- Demonstrate evidence-based responses
- Emphasize the use of non-fiction text

Pearson Folder

Pearson American School English Series Brochure

Pearson Pen

Pearson NotePad
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敬邀對象 | 幼兒園、兒童美語教師、課程規劃者 報名方式 | 3月6日(一)起開始報名,請填寫線上登記表後送出,敦煌服務人員將於1週內與您聯繫,確認報名狀況。 報名費用 | 免費參加 注意事項 | 1. 名額有限,額滿為止 2. 為維護參加者權益及講座品質,本活動不開放未成年孩童陪同參加。 3. 活動資訊、報名事項以活動網頁公告為準。 4. 敦煌書局保有活動調整與修改之權利。