Be the Leader on Your School’s Reading Adventure!
成效關鍵在於學生是否能學以致用,從”Learn to Read” 變成 “Read to Learn”

Mark Richard
- 牛津大學出版社 Educational Services Manager Educational Services Manager, Oxford University Press
Mark Richard is a Taiwan-based trainer with seventeen years’ ELT experience in East Asia and Europe. He has taught all age groups in various schools and agencies. As OUP’s Educational Services Manager, he regularly presents at TESOL conferences, and is a certified trainer for the Oxford Teachers’ Academy. He loves to fill his students’ minds with curiosity so that they work hard without realizing it and think for themselves.
9:00-10:30 / 10:30-12:00(宜蘭場)
Skills for Input and Output : How to Set your Students’ English Free
Many students’ English remains locked inside them; language goes in, but doesn’t come out. Stronger students may have a good knowledge of English, but can they use it?
Have you had this experience?
This session will examine expert research on teaching Reading Skills. It will reveal which methods don’t work, and which methods create skilled, independent readers and language users. It will share ideas for teaching Writing Skills which help students to become better readers and writers.
Finally, it will share key advice for schools to combine their Language and Skills curricula to give students the best opportunities to set their English free.
10:45-11:45 / 13:00-14:00(宜蘭場)
Educational Trends : Add STEAM Power to Your Classes!
STEAM is an approach to learning which gives students the skills they will need to succeed in the future. Students explore Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics to improve their mental flexibility, collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving ability.
This session will outline how STEAM connects to English learning, provide advice for schools to add STEAM power to their programs, and show teachers STEAM-based activities and projects for classroom use.
How to Teach Vocab Like a Pro
How can teachers help their students to remember words better? This session will share a range of techniques to boost students’ ability to store, retain, and use vocabulary. These include visualization, themed memorization, and spaced repetition. By understanding how memory works, you will be able to design more effective lessons, and you will equip your students with lifelong vocabulary-learning strategies they will never forget.
- 5/20 (日) 09:00-12:00
- 敦煌書局台南營業所5F
- (台南市中西區北門路一段 159 號)
- 5/22(二) 09:00-12:00
- 台灣發展研究院附設職業訓練中心 – 706會議室
- (台中市東區復興路四段231-1號7樓,近台中火車站,大魯閣新時代購物中心斜對面)
台中場已額滿,故不再開放登記表單,如有疑問敬請電洽 (04)-23265559#511
- 5/24(四) 09:00-12:00
- 新竹市文化局-習齋
- (新竹市東大路二段15巷1號2樓)
- 5/27(日) 09:00-12:00
- 集思北科大會議中心 – 201貝塔廳
- (台北市大安區忠孝東路三段1號,億光大樓2樓,奧迪忠孝展示中心旁)
台北場已額滿,故不再開放登記表單,如有疑問敬請電洽 (02)-87928621#552
- 5/29(二) 10:30-15:30
- 宜蘭大學 – 電資學院多媒體視聽室
- (宜蘭縣宜蘭市神農路一段1號,格致大樓3樓)
- Oxford Skills World 形象杯墊 (右圖為示意圖)
- 現場獨家書籍優惠
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│報名費用│ 本講座免費參加
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- 台中 (T) 04-23265559 #511
- 台北 (T) 02-87928621 #552
- 宜蘭 (T) 02-87928621 #552
- 新竹 (T) 03-5422698
- 台南 (T) 06-2296347 #20
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