
Mark Richard
Educational Services Manager, Oxford University Press
Mark Richard is a Taiwan-based trainer with seventeen years’ ELT experience in East Asia and Europe. He has taught all age groups in various schools and agencies. As OUP’s Educational Services Manager, he regularly presents at TESOL conferences, and is a certified trainer for the Oxford Teachers’ Academy. He loves to fill his students’ minds with curiosity so that they work hard without realizing it and think for themselves.

Julie Hwang
Educational Services Manager, Oxford University Press Korea
Julie Hwang is an Educational Services Manager for Oxford University Press Korea. Her diverse experience includes teaching English at various levels ranging from preschools to adults, as well as writing songbooks and educational materials for young English learners. Julie has been delivering workshops and professional development training to language teachers across Asia. One of the most exciting things she finds about her work is meeting passionate teachers from different cultures, and sharing a wealth of creative ideas and lessons with them!
Topic 1 │ 09:00-10:30
Digital support inside and outside the classroom
Speaker: Mark Richard
- How to integrate technology into teaching and learning
- Which digital tools support learning, and how?
- Techniques and activities to make the most of digital tools
Technology itself does not make students learn better. In fact, if used without proper planning, it can waste our valuable time. However, if appropriate technology is selected thoughtfully and integrated effectively into our courses, it can help to motivate and engage students, leading to more effective learning. In this session, we’ll explore the role of digital technology in our teaching by answering these three questions:
-How can teachers start using technology?
-What technology should teachers use in class?
-What can students do with technology outside the classroom?
Throughout, the presenter will evaluate the pros and cons of various digital tools, and demonstrate practical, engaging ways to apply technology so that it provides students with more opportunities to play with and produce English.
Topic 2 │ 10:40-12:10
Starlight: Exciting story lessons to spark creativity and speaking!
Speaker: Julie Hwang
- Presenting short stories to young learners
- Presenting vocabulary activities linked to stories
- Designing cross-curricular activities and story projects
Children come to the primary classroom equipped with a good understanding of stories and the way they work. Not only are stories enjoyable, they provide the best opportunity for presenting new language structures and developing literacy skills. Stories also provide students with opportunities to transfer useful, practical English to a range of different cross-curricular content and subject matter that the students are working on at school.
This session will introduce teachers to the new ‘Starlight’ course published by Oxford University Press. Teachers will participate in fun mini-lessons to promote story and language skills as well as engage in cross-curricular activities that encourage students to communicate fluently and build academic success.
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∴ 研習證書 _ 全程參加講座即可獲得
∴ 抽獎活動 _ 全程參加講座即獲現場抽獎資格
敬邀對象: 對新課程、新教法、新教材有興趣的兒童美語教師、課程設計者
STEP 1 線上登記 │線上填寫登記表送出提交
5/16 台中場 Taichung │ 5/18 新竹場 Hsinchu
5/23 台南場 Tainan │ 5/25 台北場 Taipei
STEP 2 確認│敦煌服務人員將於1週內與您聯繫,確認報名狀況
STEP 3 完成│當您收到確認報名通知,即完成報名