

Let’s Plan Projects!

專案課程設計 X 主題教學觀摩


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專案導向學習法(Project-based learning)可以讓學習者化被動為主動,是最能呈現多元學習成果的教學法。兩位講師將透過三個跨學科主題專案,分享觀點及課程設計技巧,帶領老師改變傳統課堂、進化教學模式!

  •  教學觀摩

本次課程將打破純演講的形式,透過講師實作來觀摩 Learning by Doing,實踐專案導向學習法的精神,透過兩位講師的帶領及完整教案的解析,您將成為英語教學的創客,讓您的教學產生差異化,提升招生競爭力!


全台僅 4 場,敬邀您把握限額席次,



Mark Richard

Mark Richard is a Taiwan-based trainer with fifteen years’ ELT experience in East Asia and Europe. He has taught all age groups in various schools and agencies. As OUP’s Educational Services Manager, he regularly presents at TESOL conferences, and is a certified trainer for the Oxford Teachers’ Academy. He loves to fill his students’ minds with curiosity so that they work hard without realizing it and think for themselves.

Carol Chan (詹智婷)

Carol Chan is a passionate learner of English Language Teaching, thus, unceasing effort has been poured into studying of productive methods in order to benefit learners. Carol’s mind is often filled with students’ interests and how the language can be part of their lives. With fortunate doors opened to her, she has come in contact with kindergarten, primary, secondary, graduate and adults in all walks of life. Carol is currently teaching at Department of English Teaching at National Hsinchu University of Education. As an advocate of Interactive Teaching and Learning, she believes constant dialogues between instructor and learners can maximize the effectiveness of language acquisition.

Session 1   9:30-10:10  講師:Mark Richard

A Change is as Good as a Break:

Planning summer and winter courses around projects


◉What projects are and how they help students develop ◉Steps for teachers to choose, plan, prepare, and manage projects ◉Four keys to successful projects Summer and winter intensive courses are the perfect opportunity to revisit those coursebook ‘Project’ pages you skipped over, and expand from topics into projects of your own design. Projects perfectly fit the needs of intensive courses; they give students a break from the routine of vocabulary-and-grammar-based lessons, and provide them with opportunities to improve research and communications skills, apply creativity, and collaborate with classmates. And in terms of planning, we’ll show how projects can shape your entire intensive course or simply be sprinkled into your existing course to add a little spice.

Project 1   10:30-11:00  講師:Carol Chan

? Develop Critical Thinking Skills through Implementing Projects

  ◉Four components of a lesson plan framework ◉Projects – a tool to develop critical thinking skills ◉Elements to be considered in project planning Planning a lesson can be fun and relevant to our lives. Food tasting is a major part of the Taiwanese lifestyle. Taking advantage of existing TV food channels, along with learning about ingredients, students can easily videotape their own gourmet shows by following recipes. Who knows? They may even be able to write their own blog as a food critic would. In this session, the presenter will share three lesson plans that can expand the use of target language and enable learners to be critical consumers of various cuisines.

Project 2   11:00-11:30  講師:Carol Chan

⚖ Connect Your Textbooks to Summer Programs

  through Project Teaching

  ◉Three key sections of lesson planning ◉Use of projects to bridge main textbooks and summer materials ◉Assessment Tools for various science projects Have you thought about going wild with your students over the summer break? Well, it’s about time you did! Let’s dive into an adventurous journey of science projects! In this presentation, you will learn how to expand main textbook contents into a summer project, allowing students to apply the materials they’ve already acquired, thus creating a product of their own using topical vocabulary and appropriate grammar. The above approach will internalize the target language and transform learning into an unconscious process.

Project 3   11:30-12:00  講師:Mark Richard

? Story-based Projects

  ◉Identifying cross-curricular themes in a story ◉Examples of story-based activities and projects. ◉Managing and assessing story-based projects. Most schools use graded readers to supplement their main coursebooks. However, it’s quite simple to construct an entire intensive course around a good fiction or non-fiction book. In this session, I’ll demonstrate how schools and teachers can do this. Our focus will be on what steps teachers can take to expand from a story to a project. Towards the end of this session, attendees will have a go at planning their own projects based on a story.


11/08(二) 桃園場






11/13(日) 高雄場






11/15(二) 台北場

犇亞國際會議中心 六樓會議室





11/20(日) 台中場







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