敦煌書局舉辦 Caves Day 多年,每年針對英語檢定考試及課程規劃,提供老師趨勢性的教學概念及實用教學技巧與課堂活動,幫助老師打造符合教育趨勢與個人班級需求的兒美課程。
今年,敦煌首度與韓國英語教育服務領導品牌 NE Build & Grow 合作, NE Build & Grow 深耕亞洲市場多年,相當瞭解亞洲學生的學習方式,2018 Caves Day 將用 Build & Grow Day 及 Examine & Review Day 兩天的全日課程,帶領兒美英語教師們從課程設計走到測驗評量,探討如何用好的課程設計來提升學生的學習成效與個人發展,再運用適宜的測驗評量檢驗學生的學習狀況,作為未來課程設計與幫助學生規劃學習歷程的參考,打造有歡笑、有成效的兒美教學!
講師簡介 Speakers
Build & Grow Day

Ji Young Ko
- 現任 NE Build & Grow 首席顧問及師訓講師
NE Build & Grow Head Consultant & Teacher Trainer - 曾於紐約多所公立學校擔任英語教師及課程規劃
Previously worked as ESL teacher and curriculum coordinator at New York City public schools - 美國紐約大學英語教育碩士及瑞士日內瓦大學企業管理碩士學位
MA in TESOL from New York University & MBA degree from the University of Geneva in Switzerland
Ji Young Ko currently works at Build and Grow as the senior global marketing manager, teacher trainer and academic consultant, covering Build & Grow seminars in various TESOL events around the world as in South Korea, Thailand and Mexico. She has an MA in TESOL from New York University and also holds an MBA degree from the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She has taught ESL students previously and developed the curriculum for an ESL program at public schools in New York City.
Examine & Review Day

- 教學創意源源不絕的 30 年英語教學者
30 years of creative and innovative teaching experience - 15 年以上英檢教學經歷
Over 15 years of teaching experience in English testing - 曾任 ETA 及多家知名出版社之師資訓練講師
Experienced teacher trainer of ETA and several famous publishers
英語教學經驗已達 30 年的 Jessie 老師,對英語教學的熱忱以及課程活動的求新求變從未停止過。想到考試檢定,大家也許會想到生硬的題目與練習,但在Jessie老師的檢定課堂中,卻是充滿創意教學點子、有趣的課堂互動活動,絕對帶給你從未想過的英檢課程。

彭如文 Karen Peng
- 彭老師美語機構創辦人
Founder of Peng’s English Institute, Taoyuan - 25 年以上 ESL 教學經驗
Over 25 years of experience in ESL teaching - 曾任大學應用外語系講師、TOEIC 及 GEPT 講師
Worked as lecturer in Department of Applied Foreign Languages, TOEIC and GEPT
Karen 老師是獨立品牌「彭老師美語機構」的創辦人及經營者,更是一位深具教學素養及豐富教學經驗的英語文教師,她認為語文教學的目標不該本末倒置─為了考試而考試,而是應當將學生被評量的語文能力或素養融合於日常課程設計中,有效的累積語文能力,讓孩子們能自然並自信地面對各樣評量檢測。
20 多年前,Karen 老師對評量精準並富前瞻性的概念讓她開始接觸兒童英檢,從第一屆檢定考至今,每屆的高通過率及各級學生的優異成績,不僅獲得家長信服及尊重,其美語機構更是成為所在地區的頂尖指標學校。

- ETS 認證托福網路測驗專業發展工作坊講師
ETS-Approved TOEFL iBT Propell Facilitator - 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學英文科教師
English teacher, The Affiliated High School of National Taiwan Normal Universit - 美國佛羅里達大學教育學院訪問學者
Research Scholar, School of Teaching and Learning at University of Florida, U.S.A.
講題講綱 Program
9:30-10:30│ Speaker: Ji Young Ko
啟動英語腦就從培養 21 世紀自主學習者開始│Language:English
Integrating 21st Century Skills into Your Classroom
- 21 世紀關鍵能力
What are 21st century skills? - 扭轉「背多分」學習:21 世紀關鍵能力 x 英語教學
How to link 21st century skills to your English class - 學習「動」起來:激發 4 個 C 的多元課堂活動
English class activities to boost 21st century skills
How do we motivate students to learn and think in English? In reality, EFL students nowadays view English just as a subject to repeat, to memorize and to take a test. However, one of the most effective ways to make motivation happen is encouraging students to be the owner of their learning process. English class should lead students to ask their own questions, find their own answers and explore what is around them. In this session, we will walk through the way to cultivate your classroom where every learner becomes a great thinker who is ready for 21st century. The power of this approach is for students to increase intellectual engagement and foster deep understanding through the topic on top of their language skills. With this approach, teacher could also foster the environment for students to develop the four Cs (Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity) of the 21st Century skills. These are the skills that are needed for great futures. To maximize this whole learning process, the program’s structure should be designed to motivate students to exercise creativity, to think critically, to collaborate with their classmates, and to communicate effectively.
10:40-12:00│ Speaker: Ji Young Ko
How to maximize the benefits of theme-based CBI in an EFL Reading Class
- 一次搞懂 CLIL 和 CBI
CLIL vs. theme-based CBI - 1+1>2 讓學科和語言學習相輔相成
Benefits of theme-based CBI in English class - 學科內容融入英語教學的實用技巧與活動
Practical guideline to cooperate theme-based CBI in your English class
Content-Based Instruction (CBI) has been widely used in EFL classrooms around the world. Through customized theme-based CBI, students are able to reach further and fully understand the content while developing their critical thinking and background knowledge. Language learning will naturally come along, eventually bringing interest and insight in both content and language. Although we know the advantages of CBI, it is often difficult for teachers to trigger the system in a real reading classroom. This workshop will present the advantages of theme-based CBI by introducing effective tasks appropriate for intermediate and high level elementary and secondary school students. We will share ideas to create a student-centered CBI class with supportive guidance and appropriate theme projects.
13:20-14:30│ Speaker: Ji Young Ko
Guided Writing for Young Learners
- 萬事起頭難,怎麼開始很重要
Importance of teaching how to write - 一磚一瓦搭起英語文章的書寫架構
Step-by-step writing structure - 熟能生巧,用仿作練習培養獨立寫作者
Sample writing for learning
Why do young English Language Learners (ELLs) make the same writing mistakes? Why does it take so long for students to start their writing? Are these matters solely caused by the unfamiliarity and inconvenience of writing in a different language than their mother tongue? Or are there other critical reasons? Frequently, many students struggle to find out what they want to write and, subsequently, how to write it. This session will focus on teaching writing based on guided writing approach so students can build a firm foundation of how to write, starting from brainstorming to making a final draft to share with others. Through sample writing and activity, this session will cover how teachers can encourage young students to become independent writers by empowering logical thinking process as well as structured writing process.
14:40-15:00│ Speaker: Ji Young Ko
Caves Connect x Build & Grow Q&A Forum│Language:English
9:30-9:50│ 講師: 廖月華
讓英語檢定成為教學助力 │語言: 中文
Let English Testing Be on Your Side
- 選擇合適的英語檢定考試
Choose the right one - 瞭解現有的兒童英語檢定及差別
Be familiar with the current children English Tests - 發現與解決常見的問題
How to solve the problems that might happen
9:50-11:10│ 講師:廖月華
這樣教出全民英檢高分群│語言: 中文
Get Efficient and Proficient in Tests
- 設定目標:滿足多方需求的教學方法
Expectation:Skills and abilities - 激發靈感:愉快學習的教學養分
Inspiration:Being authentic and fun - 檢閱成效:實用有趣的評分機制
Evaluation:Challenges and preparations
全民英檢課程百百種,但有沒有一種方式可以滿足教師、學生甚至是家長的期待?充滿創意的 Jessie 老師在全民英檢課程中,結合應試技巧培養與學生生活經驗,並加入有趣的教學點子,帶領孩子快樂有效地學習,也讓教師樂於教學、啟發更多從未嘗試過的教學靈感。
11:20-12:20│ 講師:彭如文
提升教學力的 STYLE 國際兒童英檢│語言: 中文
Enhancing Teaching and Learning with STYLE Testes
- 兒童英檢的關鍵角色
The role of achievement tests for EFL young learners
- 英檢與課程結合的方法
Ways to integrate test-taking skills to your course
- 好玩的備考教學活動
Fun activities to prepare students for testing
Firstly, this workshop will introduce the key features of STYLE (Saxoncourt Tests for Young Learners of English), a well-established international testing system for young students.
Then the speaker will share ways to use the test results to make your teaching more efficient. At the same time, it’s important to integrate the tests with your lesson plans, not just to drill just for the test itself.
Thus, some fun and motivating teaching activities and practice will be demonstrated in the workshop, in order to get the students ready for the tests in a fun way.
13:30-15:00│ 講師:吳詩綺
TOEFL Primary:儲備孩子的全球移動力,起步走!│語言: 中文
TOEFL Primary: Build Up the Global Mobility for Kids, Here We Go
- 連結全球視角與台灣現場的最新英文教育趨勢
Current global trends and issues of English education and evaluation - 透析 108 課綱,如何結合跨領域與素養培育於英文教學與評量
In-depth look of 12-year curriculum (2019) and design of English courses on the go - 如何訂定決定孩子一生的英語學習計畫,打造專業與外語兼具的 π 型人才
Action-plans for priming kids to be π-shaped talent for the future
108 課綱新浪潮推動之下,中小學的教學現場已經帶來巨大改變。強調跨領域學習的 STEAM 精神、培養孩子的素養能力、建構個人學習歷程,分別是三大關鍵。臺灣菁英學生從 18 歲開始拼履歷,其能力養成絕非一蹴可幾。本場次講師吳詩綺老師將分享從台北菁英學府任教英文十餘年的第一手實務經驗,以及擔任臺灣首席托福官方師訓講師的專業。
場次時間 Venues
救國團劍潭青年活動中心─ 志清大樓 5208 教室
(台北市士林區中山北路四段 16 號)
桃園婦女館─ 302會議室
(桃園市桃園區延平路 147 號)
台中新生研訓中心─ 博斯廳
(台中市北區忠明路 200 號 6 樓)
國立科學工藝博物館─ 南館 204 教室
(高雄市三民區九如一路 797 號)
參加好禮 Special Gift
Build & Grow Day
- Come On Everyone 課本*1
- Subject Link 課本*1
- Write Right 課本*1
- Come On Everyone 好禮組*1 (含提袋、原子筆、螢光筆)

Examine & Review Day
- STYLE 練習手冊*1

參加教師獨享專案 Special Offer
Build & Grow Day
凡 Build & Grow 系列商品
現場同品項第一本享 6 折鑑賞價

Examine & Review Day
Caves GEPT、Spotlight、STYLE/JET檢定系列商品
現場特惠價 75 折起
凡購買 Caves GEPT 系列折扣後滿 NT 1,000,即贈送【敦煌全民英檢 初級閱讀全真模擬試題 (含解析)】一本,可累送。

報名辦法 Registration
│敬邀對象│ 兒童美語教師、課程規劃者
│報名日期│ 即日起開放報名,每場次名額有限,額滿為止
│報名費用│雙日課程 $1,500/人,單日課程 $800/人
│報名費用│ 3/16 前早鳥限定,雙日課程 $1,100/人,單日課程 $650/人
│報名費用│* 歡迎使用 2018 CAVES ROADSHOW 贈送之師訓研習優惠券,每人限使用一張(可折抵 $100)。
│師訓研習優惠券使用辦法│ 不論報名單日或雙日課程,每位老師限使用一張師訓研習優惠券。
│師訓研習優惠券使用辦法│ 2018 Caves Day 講座當日報到時,請出示您的師訓研習優惠券,我們將憑券現場退費給您。
│師訓研習優惠券使用辦法│ 師訓研習優惠券將於 2018 CAVES ROADSHOW 活動現場發送,詳細使用規範請依優惠券使用說明為主。
Step 1 登記 請選擇欲參加場次,填寫線上登記表後提交。
Step 2 確認 敦煌服務人員將於一週內與您聯繫,確認報名狀況。
Step 3 繳費 當您收到確認報名的通知後,請至郵局劃撥或ATM轉帳繳交報名費用。
- 劃撥戶名:敦煌書局股份有限公司 (劃撥帳號請見下方服務資訊)
- ATM帳號:00942-001791-9 / 銀行代碼:陽信銀行 108
Step 4 完成 請於繳費完成後,來電告知並確認您的匯款資訊,即完成報名。
- 台北 (T)02-87928621#594 (F)02-87924965 劃撥帳號:00141031
- 桃園 (T)03-2811035 (F)03-2811036 劃撥帳號:19611043
- 台中 (T)04-23265559#501 (F)04-23265550 劃撥帳號:20874907
- 高雄 (T)07-5615716 (F)07-5318700 劃撥帳號:41699626
│取消報名與退費說明│ 活動前5個工作天起停止受理取消報名及申請退費。
- 敦煌書局保有活動調整與修改之權利,最新資訊請以網站公告為主。
- 本活動無提供免費停車服務,歡迎多加利用大眾交通工具。
- 為維護講座品質,不開放未成年孩童陪同參加,邀您一同共創優質講座環境。