前言 Preface






活動內容 Event Introduction

陳德懷教授 Professor Tak-Wai Chan 


Tak-Wai Chan is Chair Professor of Research Institute of Network Learning Technology at National Central University. He co-founded two conference series, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) and Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) as well as their associated societies (APSCE & GCSCE) and journals (RPTEL & JCE).

Professor Chan’s research interest covers a broad spectrum of digital learning, including intelligent learning, virtual learning companions, educational big data, computer supported reciprocal tutoring, computer supported collaborative learning, digital game-based learning, mobile learning, creator-based learning, interest-driven learning, theme-based learning, online learning society, seamless learning, one-to-one learning, as well as computer supported reading, writing, mathematics and English learning.

Fred Poon 

Linguistic Digital Education Pioneer

Fred comes from a versatile setting a bit different from most. He has dedicated efforts into education for the past decade, as a director of education for multiple departments at schools in Taichung; and currently is a pro-active voice for digitalizing education. His Career lies in more than just education, but also works in branding, design, marketing, and filmcraft. He’s also a part of the Thinktank in Method Farm Creative Studios. Being a speaker himself, he’s expecially well-versed in public speaking. He’s helped consult nad trained speakers from different places in international events like Tedx and Cannes Lion. He is also working with Apple Ed out from CA, USA, and Hero Angle Information Design Group.

Mark Richard

Educational Services Manager, Oxford University Press

Mark Richard is a Taiwan-based trainer with seventeen years’ ELT experience in East Asia and Europe. He has taught all age groups in various schools and agencies. As OUP’s Educational Services Manager, he regularly presents at TESOL conferences, and is a certified trainer for the Oxford Teachers’ Academy. He loves to fill his students’ minds with curiosity so that they work hard without realizing it and think for themselves.

Doctor Shane Michael Donald

Shane Donald completed a PhD in Applied Linguistics at Newcastle University in 2015 and has been employed at Feng Chia University since 2003. He has presented at academic conferences in New Zealand, England, Japan and Taiwan and has had papers published in the United Kingdom and New Zealand on classroom interaction, teacher development and reflective practice. His research interests include teacher development for TESOL, classroom interaction and extensive reading.

Session 1  |  9:40-10:40 

Reading for Tomorrow by Professor Tak-Wai Chan

Reading for Tomorrow includes a simple reading activity called Modeled Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR), writing book recommendations, and book-talks. SSR, in which students just read books of their choices, has a long history. MSSR, however, additionally requests the teacher to serve as a reading model: reading book together with the students while sitting in front of the class. After reading, students may play an online game called My-Bookstore, where students write recommendations (and/or draw pictures) for books they love to their peers. Besides, they can also do book-talks in class and/or through My-Bookstore. As an everyday activity, Reading for Tomorrow intends to help students enjoy reading and establish a habit of reading and, ultimately, become lifelong readers.

Session 2  |  10:50-11:50

Extensive Reading : An overlooked Cornerstone of Successful Language Learning by Fred Poon

The concept of reading to learn langauge has been widely perpetuated among teachers, but seldomly understood fully. Effectiveness of reading comes from the understanding of concepts like extensive reading. Without understanding what ER (extensive reading) is, it is almost impossible for us as teachers to gauge how effective our classrooms and books are. ER and it has to offer is more than just a fancy term, or a quick fix, ER is the concept that could change how you and your students read forever.

Session 3  |  13:05-13:55

Two ER-based ‘Unique Feature Courses’ for Taiwan High Schools by Mark Richard

This session will propose two ER-based solutions for Taiwan high-school teachers looking to create ‘unique feature courses’ to match recent curricular reform requirements. The first is Oxford University Press’ Read On! class library. This combines ER with interdisciplinary methodology to develop language, literacy and life skills for the 21st-century classroom and workplace. The second is Oxford’s Reading Circles framework to leverage ER for discussion. This provides students with distinct roles, ensuring that stories are mined for their language and cultural values. Reading Circles combine the four skills, motivate students to read extensively, and equip them to work autonomously.

Session 4  |  14:10-15:00

Getting (and Keeping) them Hooked: Integrating Extensive Reading into a High School English Curriculum 

by Doctor Shane Michael Donald

In this presentation I will discuss how to introduce extensive reading to high school learners in order to get them to ‘buy-in’ to the benefits of participating in an extensive reading programme. I will also present ways in which to maintain learner interest and motivation in reading for pleasure, focusing on classroom activities related to extensive reading and methods of assessing learner progress. The presentation will then conclude by examining  the crucial role the teacher plays in an extensive reading programme.

Optional session  |  15:10-16:00

國資圖電子書服務平台暨線上英文資料庫使用介紹 (User’s Guide for the E-book Service Platform and Online English Database of National Library of Public Information) by National Library of Public Information

  • 活動時間:2018/01/30 (二) 09:10-16:00 (09:10開始報到)
  • 活動地點:國立公共資訊圖書館-第一會議室 (台中市南區五權南路100號)
  • Time: Jan 30, 2018 (Tue.) 9:10 ~ 16:00 (Register at 9:10)
  • Venue: Conference room I of National Library of Public Information (No.100, Wuquan S. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan)

報名辦法 Registration

參加對象 ∣ 全台高中職英文教師

報名方式 ∣ 2017年12月11日 (一) 開始報名


  • 研習課程代碼:2320416
  • 研習課程名稱:2018 Extensive Reading Conference中學英文廣泛閱讀研討會(英文科)

For foreign teachers: Please fill in the event registration form as below. Caves’s staff will contact you to confirm the registration within a week.

報名費用 ∣ 免費參加 (含午餐、研習證書、中籍教師含教學研習時數6小時)

注意事項 ∣

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  2. 為維護參加者權益及講座品質,本活動不開放未成年孩童陪同參加
  3. 活動資訊、報名事項以活動網頁公告為準
  4. 主辦單位保有活動調整與修改之權利
  5. 報名聯絡電話:(04) 2326-5559 #511