108 課綱被喻為台灣史上最大的課程教育改革,全國老師、家長、學生都深受影響。2017 Caves Day 將帶領老師們一起討論 108 課綱中國小英語教育的特色、影響和挑戰,並根據課綱的主要訴求,邀請您一同打造符合新課綱的兒美課程!
教育的核心價值在改變,同樣地,老師們的課程內容和執行方式也要改變,才能因應兒童英語教育的新挑戰,今年 11 月加入我們,一起設計創造時代人才的兒美課程,讓您的學生核心素養、關鍵能力和自主學習力三者兼具!

Sandra Wu
- 17 年以上 ELT 國際出版與教育服務相關專業經驗
Over 17-year ELT experience with an international publisher in business management and education consultancy - 英國倫敦與里茲大學英語教學暨語言學雙碩士
MA in Learning and Teaching in English and Literacy, Institute of Education, University of London; MA in Linguistics and ELT, University of Leeds, UK - 2017 年六月獲得 NILE Online course: CLIL「優等」證書
Achieved with Distinction on NILE Online course: CLIL
Sandra Wu目前是英語教學專業自由工作者,專注於教育諮商與師資培訓,擁有超過17年的國際出版社商業管理與學術經驗。Sandra致力於精進英語老師的教學能力及個人專業成長,她是一位課程設計者、專業師資培訓師、個人專業成長諮商師與英文老師,在英語教育界擁有不同角色的她,以提高台灣的英語教育品質為目標。
Sandra Wu is currently a freelance education consultant and teacher trainer. She has got over 17-year experience in business and academia in education with an international publisher. Sandra has devoted herself to professional development of English teachers and upgrading English teachers’ teaching competences in Asia. She is a curriculum designer, a teacher trainer, a PD consultant and a teacher. With a variety of roles in education, her goal is to enhance English education quality in Taiwan.

Justin Kaley
- 亞洲多國資深英語教學師訓講師
Senior English Teacher Trainer in Asia - 曾任教於英國文化協會、台灣科技大學
Teaching Experience Includes Work at the British Council, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology - 現任National Geographic Learning產品經理
Currently Works at National Geographic Learning, as Product Manager
Justin Kaley 一直以來積極投入英語教學領域專業,致力於教學研究、學校課程發展與設計顧問、英語教學(學生年齡層遍及幼稚園到博士生)。Justin擁有哥倫比亞大學教育學院碩士與塔夫茨大學國際關係與西班牙文雙學士學位,曾任職於英國文化協會,擔任北京GE教育資深教師哥倫比亞大學紐約社區語言課程第二外語教師、國立台灣科技大學英語講師。2010年,Justin加入National Geographic Learning,持續他對英語教學的熱情。
Justin Kaley has been actively involved in the ELT field conducting research, aiding schools in curriculum development and design, and teaching language learners in various levels of instruction from kindergarten to the doctoral level. He has completed Master’s Degree studies in Applied Linguistics at Columbia University Teachers College, and he holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Spanish from Tufts University. His professional experience includes work at the British Council, Senior Teacher at Global Edge Academy in Beijing, ESL Language Instructor at the Columbia University Community Language Program in New York, and EFL Lecturer at the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology. In 2010, Justin joined National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage, where he continues to have a passion for both language-teaching and learning.
9:10-9:30│ Speaker: Sandra Wu
108 課綱對台灣英語教學的影響│語言:中文
The Impacts of the General Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines on ELT in Taiwan
- 課程目標與核心素養
Curriculum goals & core competencies - 國小學習階段的英語教育
ELT in the primary elementary school - 老師的角色與挑戰
The role of an English teacher & its challenges in teaching
本講座將簡短說明 108 課綱對台灣英語教學的影響。身為英語老師的您將面對甚麼樣的挑戰呢?
This short presentation will briefly discuss the impacts of the General Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines on ELT in Taiwan. As an English teacher, what challenges will you be facing?
9:30-10:30│ Speaker: Justin Kaley
以學科內容整合批判式思考的兒童英語學習法 │Language: English
Content-based Critical Thinking in the Young Learner Classroom
- 批判式思考的本質與重要性
What critical thinking is and why it’s important for today’s young learners - 學科內容在批判式思考訓練中扮演的角色
Why content is important in driving critical thinking practice - 在教室中有效執行批判式思考的訓練
How critical thinking can be practiced in the classroom
In the 21st century, critical thinking skills are of paramount importance. Our Young learners are growing up in a completely new age – one where access to information is no longer the main barrier to knowledge, but rather, an overabundance of information often simply overwhelms our ability to comprehend it. It’s no wonder that more and more, ministries of education, schools and educators around the world are paying increased attention to the development of critical thinking skills in the classroom. But how can we as teachers help our students improve a skill so abstract as critical thinking? How can we change our classrooms from knowledge based to competency based learning environments? This workshop will seek to explore the question of what critical thinking actually is and why it matters when learning English. Participants will also come away with an understanding of why the content they use matters in order to provide a solid foundation to build critical thinking upon, as well as practical activities which they can take back to their classrooms and use with students in their next English class.
10:50-11:50│ 講師:Sandra Wu
英語教室中的 Soft CLIL 就從閱讀開始│Language: English
Soft CLIL: Let’s Start from Reading
- 什麼是Soft CLIL?
What’s Soft CLIL? - 閱讀課程目標設定
Goal setting for a reading lesson - 在閱讀課程中執行 Soft CLIL
The implementation of Soft CLIL in a reading lesson
數位載具的產生改變並整合我們的學習方式,因此,21世紀的學齡兒童能很容易地與世界連結,主動地學習不同領域的知識。本講座將示範如何把Soft CLIL教學法融入閱讀課程中,同時達到「語言」與「學科」學習的雙重目標,讓閱讀變得更有趣!
While the traditional method of assigning learners reading as homework or during a short period in class has its merits, teachers are often looking for additional ways to stimulate interest and ultimately comprehension. This presentation presents collaborative reading, multimedia extension, and creativity focused extension activities that will teachers and students benefit more greatly from time spent with English readers during class and at home.
11/16(四) 09:00-12:00
新生研訓中心 杜拉克廳
(台中市北區忠明路 200 號 6 樓)
11/21(二) 09:00-12:00
犇亞商務會議中心 B+C會議室
(台北市松山區復興北路 99 號 6 樓)
11/26(日) 09:00-12:00
嘉義產業創新研發中心 3A03 會議室
(嘉義市西區博愛路二段 569 號 3 樓)
11/28(二) 09:00-12:00
(台南市中西區北門路一段 159 號)
Our World Readers Pack 現場特惠價 69 折
(每套皆含 9 Books + Story Time DVD + Puppet Freddy + Parent’s Guide。)

Reading for the 21st Century 系列、Simply 系列及Spotlight 系列書籍現場特惠價 75 折
Reading for the 21st Century 系列不限級數購買滿 10 本以上,再贈送 Phonics Kids Book 字母大書一本。 (數量有限,贈完為止。)

│敬邀對象│ 兒童美語教師、課程規劃者
│報名日期│ 即日起開放報名,每場次名額有限,額滿為止
│報名費用│ $500/人,包含課程、講義、研習證書,10/27 (五)前,早鳥優惠 $350/人
Step 1 登記 點「我要報名」,選擇欲參加場次填寫線上登記表。
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