感謝各位關注與參加CAVES DAY講座
CAVES DAY邀請講師歐元懷因故無法出席CAVES DAY活動,更換講師如下:
- 新竹場-Ms.Vege(蔬菜小姐)
- 高雄場、台中場、台北場-康璿華
CAVES DAY講座活動第一場即將於10/30展開
還請各位持續支持與關注CAVES DAY!
感謝各位關注與參加CAVES DAY講座
CAVES DAY邀請講師歐元懷因故無法出席CAVES DAY活動,更換講師如下:
CAVES DAY講座活動第一場即將於10/30展開
還請各位持續支持與關注CAVES DAY!
今年敦煌2016 Caves Day特邀重量級講師、全美說故事大師麥可爺爺一起和大家開始探索故事王國的行列,讓您輕鬆將讀本樂趣與教學結合,打開英語教學新「視」界,快來Caves Day和我們一起跟著讀本暢遊故事王國!
Kyle Mullaney 東海大學外國語文學系英語教學組(TEFL)畢 在台教學經驗超過10年,擔任數間大學講師 2015年國際演講協會台灣幽默演講比賽冠軍得主 近年專注於兒童美語教學
Dr. Mike Lockett (麥可爺爺) 全美說故事大賽冠軍得主 美國伊利諾州優良教育得主 任中小學教師、校長、教務長等三十多年教學經驗 演出超過4000場,足跡遍及全美30州及15個國家
Ms VeGe (蔬菜小姐) 蔬菜小姐在紐西蘭梅西大學的師範學院完成了她的小學教育學程。 在過去的16年中,蔬菜小姐先後在紐西蘭、台灣及中國的公私立小學合作教學及師資培訓項目。 為了能夠提供給學員們更享受的學習經驗,她喜歡鑽研各式教學教學的技巧、工具及科技。
康璿華 南澳大學TEFL英語教學碩士畢 Scholastic台灣教育顧問 各大專院校「業界專師」暨校外課綱評審顧問 各大出版社總編輯、教學顧問 暢銷系列考用書籍作者群之一暨系列總編輯 資深英語教材研發專業經理人 知名兒童美語連鎖加盟體系師訊部資深經理 25年師培經驗,於台灣、大陸、新加坡三地擔任師訓講師;開創了許多的師訊課程 28年未曾間斷過的資深教師,於102學年度以”英語說故事”教學課程榮列教育部「百大業界專師名人堂」
Kyle Mullaney is a graduate student in TEFL at Tunghai University, a seasoned lecturer at multiple universities, a cultural training consultant and the 2015 Toastmasters TAIWAN Humorous Speech Champion. Currently he is working with young students in an English immersion program. His interests are in intercultural communication, sociolinguistics, and public speaking. He has been a teacher in Taiwan for 10 years. During which time he has taught students of all age ranges, in a variety of contexts, and across a broad range of disciplines.
Dr. Mike Lockett is an American storyteller and educator from Normal, Illinois where he is called “The Normal Storyteller.” In addition, he is known as “Grandpa Mike” in Asia. He has taken his storytelling and educational messages to over 4,000 audiences in schools, libraries, education conferences, festivals, and churches. He has performed in 30 states and 15 countries, including 15 tours of Taiwan. His published works include a wide variety of books, articles, and recordings. He has won over 25 awards for his work, including the prestigious World Storytelling Award.
Ms. VeGe completed her Primary Teaching Degree at Massey University, New Zealand. For the past 16 years, she has worked for public and private schools in New Zealand, Taiwan and China. She enjoys fiddling with different learning tools and technologies to give entertaining learning experiences.
Cathy Kang has constantly worked as an author, senior trainer and senior teachers for almost 30 years. With strong academic TEFL background and rich English teaching experience across various fields, she is able to come up with new teaching ideas roosting from theories in order to provide what the students need in different stages when learning English. Thus, she’s been actively involved in conducting trainings and presentation for different schools, language institutes, and publishers in Taiwan, Mainland China, and Singapore. Not only her inspiring teaching strategies and techniques but also her innovative curriculum planning made Ministry of Education in Taiwan enlist her in “The Hall of Fame of Industry Specialists” in the year 2013.
9:30-10:30 講師:歐元懷
When English teaching meets the world-known famous mouse journalist
In spite of revised classic novels, teachers actually have a lot more fun and educational choices to teach students to reinforce their vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension skills. Geronimo Stilton, the world-known famous mouse journalist whose adventurous and mysterious stories can be a great material to guide your students to start their first step of critical thinking and creative writing.
10:50-11:50 講師:Kyle Mullaney
Classroom Readers Aren’t All About Reading
While the traditional method of assigning learners reading as homework or during a short period in class has its merits, teachers are often looking for additional ways to stimulate interest and ultimately comprehension. This presentation presents collaborative reading, multimedia extension, and creativity focused extension activities that will teachers and students benefit more greatly from time spent with English readers during class and at home.
13:00-14:30 講師:Mike Lockett 麥可爺爺 (Keynote speaker)
Laughing Our Way to Better Learning with Storytelling
American educator Dr. Mike Lockett will demonstrate how learning and telling stories will help teachers do a better job of teaching EFL students. Participants will learn how to select good stories, how to tell stories, and how to use storytelling techniques to improve their students’ speaking and interaction.
14:40-15:20 講師:Mike Lockett (麥可爺爺)
Act and Tell the Story with Grandpa Mike! 全球知名說故事大師Mike爺爺將親自帶領老師們體驗如何「戲」「說」故事,機會難得,歡迎自由參加!參加此活動可獲得Rhyme Story讀本乙本哦! Dr. Lockett will lead the participants in “story play”–where they use the rhyming stories introduced by Dr. Lockett to enjoy learning and playing with the English language. Come and join the story play with Grandpa Mike! All the participants will get one rhyme story reader in the story play.
新竹市東區工業東二路1號2樓 (T)03-5422698 (F)03-5426263 劃撥帳號:19777901
高雄市前鎮區中山二路5號3樓 (T)07-5615716 (F)07-5318700 劃撥帳號:41699626
台中市北區忠明路200號6樓 (T)04-23265559#508 (F)04-23265550 劃撥帳號:20874907
台北市松山區復興北路99號6樓 (T)02-87928621#593 (F)02-87924965 劃撥帳號:00141031
Geronimo Stilton Readers、Geronimo Stilton Pawbook、Ladybird Readers、Rhyme story 等系列書籍
消費Geronimo Stilton Readers、Geronimo Stilton Pawbook系列書籍滿$500,再贈Geronimo公仔娃娃1隻 (可累送)
報名日期 2016/09/01起開放登記報名,每場次限額80位,名額有限,額滿為止 報名費用 $1500/人 包含課程、講義、午餐、研習證書 早鳥優惠 $1200/人 加贈「 A&Z造型書檔」乙組2入(市值$350) ,書檔贈品將於活動現場領取。 早鳥截止 9/30前付款報名完成,才能領取贈品「A&Z造型書檔」哦! 敬邀對象 幼兒園與兒童美語教師、課程規劃者 使用語言 全英語 報名步驟 Step1 登記 1. 線上登記:請至本活動下方,點選您欲報名的場次,於線上填寫登記表後提交送出 2.傳真登記:請至本活動下方,點選「傳真登記」,下載傳真登記表,完整填寫後傳真至各場次傳真號碼 (請來電確認是否收到傳真) Step2 確認 敦煌服務人員將於一週內與您聯繫,確認報名狀況 Step3 繳費 當您收到確認報名的通知後,請至郵局劃撥或ATM轉帳繳交報名費用 1. 劃撥戶名:敦煌書局股份有限公司 (劃撥帳號請見活動場次表) 2. ATM帳號:00942-001791-9 / 銀行代碼:陽信銀行 108 Step4 完成 請將劃撥憑據或轉帳單據,傳真至各場次傳真號碼 (請來電確認是否收到傳真) 取消報名與退費說明 活動前5個工作天接受取消報名及申請退費,超過期限,恕無法受理。 注意事項: 1.講座資訊、報名以敦煌書局網站公告為準 2.為避免干擾課程進行、尊重講者以及維護老師權益,請務必準時出席 3.本活動為維護講座品質,不開放未成年孩童陪同參加,邀請您一同共創優質講座環境 4.本活動無提供免費停車服務,歡迎多加利用大眾交通工具 5.敦煌保有活動調整與修改之權利