An English literature major with an MBA, Andre has lived and worked in Taiwan for over 10 years as a teacher, tutor, editor, writer and translator (Mandarin to English). In that time, he has produced various kinds of ESL teaching aids for five different Taiwanese publishers, ranging from Business English materials and test preparation vocabulary readers, to textbooks for very young learners and youth novels.
Having started off as a teacher at an adult English learning cram school in Taipei, Andre has taught at numerous high end Taiwanese IT companies, consulting firms and banks, helping mature Taiwanese students improve their English skills for work, study or travel purposes.
Stephen Liu is a certified conference interpreter and has a M.A. in Translation and Interpretation from National Taiwan Normal University. He had taught business English and translation at Soochow University and advised English editing for NTU Management Review. He currently serves in GIS Group, a professional congress organizer. He has designed presentation and delivered them for governmental agencies, associations, and enterprises. Stephen also conducts presentation workshops for various organizations.
Students nowadays are quite different from those of previous generations. Having grown up in an age of information technology, learning for them is often just one click away somewhere on the internet. As a result, they’re constantly surrounded with digital devices that, ironically, allow them to actually be distracted from learning. Preparing students of this generation to be ready to learn and use English in the workplace, is thus highly challenging. In this session, we’ll take a closer look at what makes present-day students tick, and how best to use technology to our advantage. We’ll also be hunting for new and fresh approaches to effectively teach professional English to university undergraduates. By bringing back a ‘human touch’ to language learning, we’ll find out not only how to help students become more fully engaged in the classroom, but also how to empower them with useful and practical English that they’ll be able to put to good use in their future careers, with competence and confidence.
Can universities prepare students for the presentations skills that would help them sell in business pitches? How can instructors grab audience attention in seminars and strike deals with potential partners? In this interactive session, you will be analyzing various presentation strategies and structures, practicing story design process, and experiencing advanced English language learning techniques that help non-native speakers to present in English. A variety of teaching methods and resources will be provided to help you teach in your class.
時間:5/5(五) 10:00-15:00│9:30 開始進場
地點:大同大學尚志教育研究館 106 會議室
(台北市中山區中山北路三段 40 號)
報名方式│即日起至 5/1(一) 前,填寫線上登記表,敦煌服務人員將於一週內與您聯繫,確認報名狀況。