
可能是鳥和顯示的文字是「 Pisa Tower Many people love Pisa Tower This buildingis Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa Italy. It looks leaning like falling off quickly: And building is very popular around the world. Many people make a pilgrmage to Pisa. This enormous tower TS 57 metres tall which iS completed in 1372 You can take photos in frort of this tower. Pisa Tower ma every one enjoyable. I think this tower iS twentyth times my height. മന I hope Ican go there Some day because I love Pisa Toner! 」的圖像可能是文字的卡通精簡短文章寫作教學

1.閱讀 – 能找出文章中的四個重要元素:主旨 Main Idea、主題句Topic Sentence、支持句Supporting Details、結論句 Conclusions
2.寫作 – 能理解上述的【短文寫作】四個
1.短文內容:挑選適合學生程度的短文,且必須含有清楚的主旨 Main Idea, 主題句Topic Sentence, 支持句Supporting Details, 結論句 Conclusions可作為舉例
2.活動適合程度: 進階-多益785分以上/全民英檢中高級。
3.準備的教具材料 : 圖畫紙數張(依據學生人數而定)
4.建議教學時間: 一堂120分鐘,共2堂
(1) Main Idea: Show the most important idea in the paragraph.
(2) Topic Sentence: It expresses what the paragraph is about. It should include two key things.
– The topic of the paragraph.
– The central point of the paragraph.
(3) Supporting Details: Fill in the reasons or evidence.
(4) Conclusion Sentence: The conclusion is the final paragraph of your essay. A strong conclusion aims to:
– Tie together the essay’s main points
– Show why your argument matters
– Leave the reader with a strong impression
2.讓學生分辨和嘗試寫下主題句Topic Sentence、支持句Supporting Details、結論句 Conclusions,如附圖
1. 腦力激盪:選任一學生,請他閱讀自己的短文。老師會隨機暫停,詢問其他學生聽到什麼,例如:這位同學的 main idea 是什麼?topic sentence 是那一句?最後也請讀者學生們給予作者想法和意見,例如:Your main idea is not so clear. 你的主旨沒有很清楚,或是 I don’t understand your conclusions. 我不清楚你的結論。
1. Topic sentence, supporting sentence, conclusion on-line data
2. 示範影片及文章,老師可自行選擇適合學生程度的內容即可