Caves Tigital 最新數位教學資源
常考題 ─ 特別活動和節慶
1.聽力- 能邊聽邊看【農曆新年】的影片(含字幕),理解影片內容
2.口說- 能介紹「特別活動和節慶」
3.閱讀- 能閱讀【四篇節慶】
4.寫作- 能寫出【ooo的活動和節慶】
5.英語檢定 – 能訓練到英語寫作【看圖寫作/說故事】、英語聽力【獨白】
1.活動適合程度:TOEIC 550-785/全民英檢中級
(1) 觀看【農曆新年】的影片(備註1)。
(2) 老師請學生用英語分享對節慶的看法。例如:
Do you like Chinese New Year? Why or why not?
What do you do usually in Chinese New Year?
2. 主要活動:閱讀3篇圖文節慶文章(備註2)後進行以下活動:
(1) 看圖文找答案:老師依據文章設計問題,請學生看圖或從文章中找到最適合的答案。問題內容設計以5W1H提問,例如:
Q1: When does White Truffle Fair take place?
A1: It takes place in the month of October.
Q2: What do you do in Cheese-Rolling and Wake?
A2: People run down the hill after the cheese.
(2) 看圖文找主旨:用選擇題形式,老師寫出文章主旨,讓學生選擇最適合的,若是程度較好的學生,則可用簡答題,請學生自己回答。
Paragraph 3 main idea: You can find truffles in the Alba region of Italy.
Paragraph 4 main idea: The Baltic Herring Festival is an old event.
Paragraph 5 main idea: The cheese-rolling is a popular event.
3. 回家作業:請學生找兩個有興趣的節慶/活動的影片或文章,理解相關內容,下課前可先用問句引導學生:
What is your favorite celebration?
When do you usually have this celebration?
What special foods do you eat during this celebration?
(1) Which topic is more interesting to you? Why?
(2) Which topic do you have more details about?
(3) Which topic is the best? Why?
2.主要活動一:Idea map 寫作活動
(1) 請學生用 Idea map 做腦力激盪,在筆記本上寫作。Idea map 要以自己選好的寫作主題為中心,發展出至少5個延伸寫作的分類,學生可以依據自己的主題增減分類,例如:Why? Where? When? 或是 People, Food, Activities。
(2) 老師在過程中可以透過以下問句引導同學寫作,同時,也需檢查學生的文法是否正確、內容是否傳達意思:
What is this special festival? List activities, food.
What do you need to do before the festival?
Who comes to the festival?
Why is the festival special?
(3) 請學生根據自己的內容,畫出圖畫,或是貼上相關圖片 。
3. 主要活動二:【看圖報告】
學生A: What is this festival? Why is it special?
學生B: It’s Mazu Pilgrimage. People show their love and respect to the Mazu.
4. 主要活動三:【看圖說故事】
備註2:示範教材及學習單頁面取自《Q-Skills for Success Reading and Writing Intro》