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Seeds and crops are things that grow. Because marriage means expansion, from building a family to increasing assets and wealth, tossing rice at an Asian (China and India) or Western wedding symbolizes both fertility and prosperity for the newlyweds. In Shinto weddings, the bride and grooms exchange cups of sake, while in Hindu weddings, rice used in many ways to show gratitude and appreciation.
你聽過紫莓香米嗎?由泰國米科學中心研發,將不同茉莉香米米種結合培育的超強稻米。擁有極高營養價值與泰國香米的香氣及口感,2002 年上市後即受米食愛好者的喜愛。
A crossbreed of jasmine rice varieties carefully crafted by the Rice Science Center in Thailand in 2002 has only grown in popularity. This so-called “superfood” is saturated with beneficial nutrients at much higher levels than any other type of rice, including black/purple rice.
在義大利,當地米種 Arborio, Carnaroli 與 Vialone Nano 都是義式燉飯好吃的秘密;西班牙人則愛用自家的 Bomba 與 Calasparra 做出最完美的海鮮燉飯。
Several lesser-known rice varieties ideal for specific dishes are cultivated outside of Asia. In Italy, Arborio, Carnaroli, and Vialone Nano are great for risottos. In Spain, Bomba and Calasparra are perfect for paella. In the U.S., Wehani and Carolina Gold are often used in traditional southern rice dishes.
Q 彈米紙中包覆著飽滿的餡料,越南春捲層次豐富的口感,讓人一口接一口停不下來;孩子們最愛的牛扎糖,外層也會包覆著一層薄米紙,除了讓糖果不會黏住包裝,也讓食用時更加方便。
One of the main staples of Vietnamese cuisine is rice paper, which is used for wrapping spring rolls. On much smaller scale, rice paper is also used to wrap confectionary, so it doesn’t get stuck to the candy wrapper.
Rice water is not only nutritious but also beneficial for the hair and skin. It’s been practiced in Asian cultures for centuries and there’s no wonder that it’s widely used in beauty products such as face masks, skin exfoliators, and hair treatments.
Some religions of the world, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, offer rice to ancestors or the divine in a show of gratitude and respect. Rice also plays a sacred role in traditional birth and funeral rituals of Hinduism. In harvest festivals involving rituals, rice is used to give thanks and ask for blessings.
There’s a diverse range of alcoholic beverages based in rice from around the world, but it’s markedly more popular in Asia – sake (Japan), shochu (Japan), soju (South Korea), baijiu (China), and huangjui (China). It also happens to be a key ingredient in lager beers characterized as light and crispy.
Half of the world depends on rice – 4 billion people – but climate change and the scarcity of freshwater resources are challenging traditional practices to evolve. Finding innovate ways of cultivating is essential to safeguarding future generations from the devastating cultural, and economic ramifications if the demand cannot be met.
Cultural points of interest can sometimes be identified upon examining a language; for instance, take the words “gohan” in Japanese and “fan” in Mandarin for “cooked rice” – both suggest “eating,” underlining that rice is not just sustenance, but also life, and that eating doesn’t happen without rice.
透過「24 節氣」這個可以了解不同時期氣候的傳統農曆,是許多耕種者的聖經。繪本 《Rice》(作者 Hongcheng Yu)繪聲繪色地描述節氣與耕耘的關係,是獲得米知識不可錯過的好書。
There’s a great graphic in the non-fiction book “Rice” by Hongcheng Yu that shows the various cycles of the moon. Did you know there are 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar based on the position of the sun used to predict changes in weather, water, and frost? All important factors in the farming of rice still used today.

Seeds and crops are things that grow. Because marriage means expansion, from building a family to increasing assets and wealth, tossing rice at an Asian (China and India) or Western wedding symbolizes both fertility and prosperity for the newlyweds. In Shinto weddings, the bride and grooms exchange cups of sake, while in Hindu weddings, rice used in many ways to show gratitude and appreciation.
你聽過紫莓香米嗎?由泰國米科學中心研發,將不同茉莉香米米種結合培育的超強稻米。擁有極高營養價值與泰國香米的香氣及口感,2002 年上市後即受米食愛好者的喜愛。
A crossbreed of jasmine rice varieties carefully crafted by the Rice Science Center in Thailand in 2002 has only grown in popularity. This so-called “superfood” is saturated with beneficial nutrients at much higher levels than any other type of rice, including black/purple rice.
在義大利,當地米種 Arborio, Carnaroli 與 Vialone Nano 都是義式燉飯好吃的秘密;西班牙人則愛用自家的 Bomba 與 Calasparra 做出最完美的海鮮燉飯。
Several lesser-known rice varieties ideal for specific dishes are cultivated outside of Asia. In Italy, Arborio, Carnaroli, and Vialone Nano are great for risottos. In Spain, Bomba and Calasparra are perfect for paella. In the U.S., Wehani and Carolina Gold are often used in traditional southern rice dishes.
There’s a diverse range of alcoholic beverages based in rice from around the world, but it’s markedly more popular in Asia – sake (Japan), shochu (Japan), soju (South Korea), baijiu (China), and huangjui (China). It also happens to be a key ingredient in lager beers characterized as light and crispy.
Rice water is not only nutritious but also beneficial for the hair and skin. It’s been practiced in Asian cultures for centuries and there’s no wonder that it’s widely used in beauty products such as face masks, skin exfoliators, and hair treatments.
Some religions of the world, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism, offer rice to ancestors or the divine in a show of gratitude and respect. Rice also plays a sacred role in traditional birth and funeral rituals of Hinduism. In harvest festivals involving rituals, rice is used to give thanks and ask for blessings.
One of the main staples of Vietnamese cuisine is rice paper, which is used for wrapping spring rolls. On much smaller scale, rice paper is also used to wrap confectionary, so it doesn’t get stuck to the candy wrapper.
Half of the world depends on rice – 4 billion people – but climate change and the scarcity of freshwater resources are challenging traditional practices to evolve. Finding new, innovate ways of cultivating it is essential to safeguarding future generations from the devastating cultural, environmental, and economic ramifications if the demand cannot be met.
Cultural points of interest can sometimes be identified upon examining a language; for instance, take the words “gohan” in Japanese and “fan” in Mandarin for “cooked rice” – both suggest “eating,” underlining that rice is not just sustenance, but also life, and that eating doesn’t happen without rice.
透過「24 節氣」這個可以了解不同時期氣候的傳統農曆,是許多耕種者的聖經。繪本 《Rice》(作者 Hongcheng Yu)繪聲繪色地描述不同節氣與耕耘的關係,是獲得米知識不可錯過的好書。
There’s a great graphic in the non-fiction book “Rice” by Hongcheng Yu that shows the various cycles of the moon. Did you know there are 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar based on the position of the sun used to predict changes in weather, water, and frost? All important factors in the farming of rice still used today.