
Bear & Hare: Where’s Bear?

作者真的太厲害! 用最簡單的文字, 最暖心的畫面, 講出兩隻動物(兔和熊)的真摯友誼, 他們玩捉迷藏時的互動真是呆萌到你不住捧腹大笑…

Classic Tales 2/e 1: The Lazy Grass Hopper


Classic Tales 2/e 1: The Magpie and the Milk


David Goes to School


I Want My Hat Back


Lemons Are Not Red

檸檬不是紅色,蘋果是紅色,日常看慣的色彩,經由凱迪克得獎繪本作家Laura Vaccaro Seeger的巧妙視覺設計,產生饒富趣味的關聯與想像。

Not a Box


The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher


Up and Down



Me and You

Duck’s Vacation

A Child of Books

What’s Up, Duck?: A Book of Opposites

Pearson English Kids Readers: CLIL 2: Let’s Draw Shapes (Am/e)

The Book Tree

Bedtime for Frances

Classic Tales 2/e 3: Bambi and the Prince of the Forest

Classic Tales 2/e 4: The Twelve Dancing Princesses

Dolphin Readers 1: Number Magic (科學與自然篇)

Dolphin Readers 2: Matt’s Mistake (人物篇)

I like books

I’m Bored

Ladybird Readers 1: Fairy Friends

Ladybird Readers 2: Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig’s Office

Ladybird Readers 3: My Little Pony: A Great Night!

Ladybird Readers 3: Rapunzel

Ladybird Readers Beginner: How are you, Spot?

Moo, Baa, La La La !

Not A Stick

Pearson English Kids Readers 1: Winston the Wizard

Pearson English Kids Readers 4: Sherlock Holmes Stories

Pearson English Kids Readers: CLIL 1: Making Music (Am/e)

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 1: Cinderella

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 1: Dumbo

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 1: Peter Pan

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 1: Sleeping Beauty

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 1: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 2: Monsters, Inc.

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 2: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 2: The Jungle Book

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 2: The Little Mermaid

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 2: Toy Story 1

Quick as a Cricket

The Watermelon Seed

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

Tina and Friends 3-1: Andy’s Diet

Tina and Friends 3-7: The Birthday Surprise

Tina and Friends 3-8: A Trip to Planet Z

Tina and Friends 4-2: The Magic Book Machine

Tina and Friends 4-4: Tina and Her Diary

Tina and Friends 4-6: Ben and Betty’s Pumpkins

Today is Monday

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt