
“Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, “ Said the Sloth

慢慢的朗誦這本書, 你能感受到樹懶的懶散和悠閒, 及生活習性。但其他動物看它不怎麼順眼, 一直用各種不同的負面形容詞來碎唸它, 但樹懶會因為如此而己變呢? 懶散的樹懶怎麼開心做自己呢?

17 Things I’m Not Allowed to Do Anymore

過去的童書, 常常暗示著小女生要循規蹈矩, 但這本書裡的這小女生簡直古靈精怪到超乎任何人的想像, 但每一頁都讓你看到她滿滿的活力和令人頭痛的創意…

A bad case of stripes

當你想要取悅所有人的時侯, 你會變成什麼樣的人?當你連喜歡吃的食物都不敢講的時侯, 你會變成什麼樣的人?小女孩太常隱藏真實的自己, 開始產生不可控制的變化… 誰能幫她找回真我?

Froggy’s Halloween  (Caldecott Medal)


Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type

這大概是繪本界裡最有名又最有趣的罷工繪本了吧, 動物們要用知識(文字)和工具(打字機)來為自己爭取權益, 農夫該怎麼辦呢? 結局包你料想不到…

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

當你過度的掠奪大自然的資源時, 會發生什麼事呢? 這是一本初看很過癮, 細細讀來讓人冒冷汗的童書, 彷彿預告著大自然的反撲… (良心提醒, 不要餓著肚子讀這本書, 會更餓…)

Daisy: Eat Your Peas


Froggy’s Halloween


Guess How Much I Love You


Handa’s Surprise


Little Red


On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein


Happiness Is . . . 500 Ways to Be in the Moment


Happiness Is . . .: 500 Things to Be Happy About


Harold and the Purple Crayon 60th Anniversary Edition


Ishi, Simple Tips from a Solid Friend

這是一顆有臉書粉專的小石頭, 偶爾語帶雙關, 偶爾開個幽默小玩笑, 每一頁都讓人會心一笑, 作者取景於日常生活和自然, 加上簡單的圖像後製, 就讓我們讀的好開心啊。其實我們也可以教孩子用一些照相軟體做類似的後製哦。


Stellauna 才一出生就與媽媽失散了, 掉到鳥巢的他一直誤以為自己是一隻鳥, Stellauna 將來是否會知道原來自己是一隻蝙蝠?他能再度和媽媽團聚嗎?

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

驢小弟最愛收集石頭了!這一次他在路上撿到神奇的紅石頭, 只要任何人碰到紅石頭許願, 願望就能實現, 驢小的的願望能真的實現嗎?

The Lion Inside


The Missing Piece


Thank You, Mr. Falker

有一天爺爺在小女孩的書本上倒了蜂蜜, 說著讀書是一件很快樂的事. 小女孩滿心期待快點學會認字, 可是每一個文字怎都是漂浮呢?誰可以幫幫小女孩

The Bear and the Piano

小熊在森林裡發現了一台能發出美妙樂符的鋼琴, 不知不覺中愛上了鋼琴, 心有大志的小熊能否成為一位有名的音樂家呢?

The Berenstain Bears and Bully

小熊妹妹哭著從公園回來, 原來他被另一個大塊頭欺負, 正當哥哥要替他報仇時發現對方也是一位小女生, 這下哥哥該如何安慰妹妹呢?

The Giving Tree


The Tiny Seed


Willy the Wimp



以花為名的小女孩, 原本天真快樂活潑自信, 卻因其”花名”被同學取笑嬉鬧孤立了, 她變的自卑、沮喪、抗拒上學, 她要怎麼改變這一切呢?

Pearson English Kids Readers: CLIL 6: A World of Homes (Am/e)

世界各地有各式各樣的房屋, 本書以實物照帶你走訪各地, 見識各種不同建材, 不同樣貎, 不同文化的房屋, 非常適合多元教育和國際教育。

Pearson English Kids Readers: CLIL 4: Brain Gym (Am/e)



The Lines on Nana’s Face

Millions of Cats

A Boy and a Jaguar

Grandpa Green

Faithful Elephants

Tadpole’s Promise

You Are Special

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: The Underwear Wolf

Michael Rosen’s Sad Book

Mirette on the High Wire

Mummy Laid An Egg!

Smithsonian STEAM Readers 2: Creating a Habitat

Badger’s Parting Gifts

Blueberries for Sal

Caps for Sale


Dolphin Readers 4: Go, Gorillas, Go (科學與自然篇)

Dolphin Readers 4: In the Ocean (科學與自然篇)

Dolphin Readers 4: Where People Live (人物篇)

Dolphin Readers 4: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (文法篇)

Du Iz Tak? (Ages 3+)


Give and Take

Golem (The Caldecott Medal, 1997)

Emmanuel’s Dream

Harry The Dirty Dog

I Can Be Anything!

If I Were a Book

Into the Forest

Ladybird Readers 3: The Talent Show

Ladybird Readers 4: The Wizard of Oz

Ladybird Readers 5: The Wind in the Willows

Ladybird Readers 6: Oliver Twist

Ladybird Readers Non-fiction 3: Minibeasts

Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science #1: Baby Whales Drink Milk

Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science #2: Penguin Chick


Maverick Early Reader 10-Whitle: Nanny Ninja

Maverick Early Reader 5-Green: George and the New Craze

Maverick Early Reader 5-Green: Grandma Bendy

Maverick Early Reader 5-Green: I Wish I’d Been Born a Unicorn

Maverick Early Reader 5-Green: S.I.D Snake in Disguise

Maverick Early Reader 6-Orange: A Scarf and a Half

Maverick Early Reader 6-Orange: Mole in Goal

Maverick Early Reader 6-Orange: Mr Tash

Maverick Early Reader 6-Orange: Pirates Don’t Drive Diggers

Maverick Early Reader 7-Turquoise: As Quiet as a Mouse

Maverick Early Reader 8-Purple: A Right Royal Mess

Maverick Early Reader 8-Purple: Stone Underpants

Maverick Early Reader 8-Purple: The Jelly That Wouldn’t Wobble

Maverick Early Reader 8-Purple: Wishker

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: Bingo and the Burblies

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: King Pong

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: Shooting Star

Pearson English Kids Readers 4: The Wind in the Willows

Pearson English Kids Readers 6: Secret Garden

Pearson English Kids Readers: CLIL 3: Butterflies and Frogs (Am/e)

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 3: Beauty and the Beast

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 3: Pinocchio

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 4: The Lion King

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 5: Wall-E

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 6: Cars

Pearson English Kids Readers: Disney Story 6: Up

Read and Discover 1: Young Animals

Read and Discover 2: Your Body

Read and Discover 3: Amazing Minibeasts

Read and Discover 3: Your Five Senses

Read and Discover 5: Animal Life Cycles

Read and Discover 5: Medicine Then and Now

Read and Discover 6: Cells and Microbes

Read and Discover 6: Helping Around the World

Read and Discover 6: Your Amazing Body

Return (Journey Trilogy 3)

Tacky the Penguin

The Biggest Bear

The Little Prince

The Missing Piece Meets Big O.0-06-025657-5

The Story about Ping

The Story of Ferdinand

The Tenth Good Thing About Barney

The Wall

Pearson English Kids Readers 2: Thumbelina

Pearson English Kids Readers 3: The Wizard of Oz

Pearson English Kids Readers 4: Pollyanna

Ruby the Copycat

The Book of Mistakes

The Polar Express (Andersen) (Caldecott Medal)

Zen Socks

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears

Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

A Color of His Own

A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You

A Story, a Story

Maverick Early Reader 9-Gold: The Freezosaurus