────────────────────────────── 活動理念 About ──────────────────────────────
我在英語教學界打滾數十年,見證了體制 (學校)和體制外 (補教機構) 英語「教」與「學」的逐年質變,心中最大的感觸不是「科技將如何影響英語學習的未來」,而是「教學者的整合能力和素養」,英語教師該如何提升專業能力,進而駕馭及應用和科技無法分割的未來,讓教師的價值得到加乘。
2019敦煌英語教學講座 CAVES ROADSHOW 以「未來」為主軸,規劃了許多場線上及線下的教學研習,是英語教師不可錯過的年度進修大會,我們誠摯地邀請您和您的教學夥伴,一起來共襄盛舉,和這些播種未來的菁英教師面對面交流互動,最重要的,投資自己未來的教學能力。

─────────────────────────────── 議程 Agenda ───────────────────────────────
( 點圖放大 )
─────────────────────────────── 講者 Speakers ──────────────────────────────

● 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學英文科教師 English teacher, the Affiliated High School of National Taiwan Normal University
● 教育部英文學科中心菁英研發教師 Elite seed teacher, English Education Resource Center of MOE
● 美國佛羅里達大學教育學院訪問學者 Research scholar, School of Teaching and Learning at University of Florida, U.S.A.

● Rural community program developer from 2013
● Independent project: English To-go Project director 2012-2013
● Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship – Oxford University, UK

● Chief operating officer / Secretary, IPOWER Alliance NPO
● English consultant, TutorABC demo team
● MSc in Digital Education, the University of Edinburgh

● International Program Coordinator/Head Teacher at Yoder Bilingual Academy and Owner of Perfect English Cram School
● TEFL Certificate Holder, Graduate of National Chengchi University (MA) and Winona State University (BA), and holds a certificate in Literacy Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
● Reader’s Theater coach, reading program designer, education consultant, MSSR advocate, and teacher trainer

● 榮獲第53屆廣播金鐘獎最佳單元節目獎Winner of the 2018 Golden Bell Awards
● 現任教於國立政治大學、國立清華大學Lecturer at National Chengchi University & National Tsing Hua University
● 曾任職於中央研究院國際事務處、法商Louis Dreyfus中國分公司Worked in the Department of International Affairs, Academia Sinica & the China branch of Louis Dreyfus Company

● Transformative teacher trainer and public speaker at high-profile events
● Education consultant and coach who focuses on delivering effective, outcomes-oriented professional development across Asia.
● Writer and editor of multiple international language education publications

● 長期致力於語言與數位教學的結合與應用 10-year experience in integrating ICT with language learning and teaching and developing digital materials
● 曾於40多國家分享數位結合教學的技術與策略 Sharing digital teaching applications and strategies in over 40 countries since 2007
● 自製教師培訓影片總瀏覽次數超過100萬 Making teacher training videos with over 1 million views

● 牛津大學教師進修學院認證講師 Certified trainer for Oxford Teachers’ Academy
● 18年亞洲及歐洲地區英語教學與師訓經驗 18 years of experience of teaching and training in Asia and Europe
● 英語教學中最喜歡的一個字:好奇心 Favorite word in education: Curiosity

● 知名國際教育機構台灣業務總經理 Sales director of international education company
● 新加坡大眾集團台灣區總經理 Taiwan general manager, Popular Holdings Ltd.
● 佳音英語教務部經理 Academic Director, Joy English

● NE_Build & Grow head consultant and teacher trainer
● Previously worked as an ESL teacher and curriculum coordinator at NYC public schools
● MA in TESOL from New York University and MBA from University of Geneva, Switzerland

● Over 20 years of teaching experience with children and adults
● Author of the ELT materials (The Simply series)
● Bachelor of Commerce, University of Alberta

● 敦煌書局英語教學顧問與師訓講師 ELT Consultant and Teacher Trainer, CavesBooks Ltd.
● 龍騰出版社教材作者與師訓講師,著有《大考寫作 A 攻略》、《學測字彙王》Author of writing textbook and other educational materials in Lungteng Cultural Co. Ltd
● 12 年英語教學經驗,專精於創意寫作教學 12 years of teaching experience in Taiwan, focusing on creative writing and writing teaching strategies

● 知名教育機構教務主管 Academic director of a renowned education institute
●超過15年兒童與幼兒英語教學經驗 Over 15 years of experience in children English teaching
● 喜歡使用不同的跨領域教學技巧於英語教學中 Enjoy experimenting teaching English with CLIL

● 14 years of English teaching experience
● Experienced in teacher training and counseling for publishers
● An inspiration to students

● 北市大附小英語教師
● 浪漫的繪本愛好者
● 具有豐富英語教學和繪本教學經驗

● 全球EFL英語教育大師
● 培生幼紹而美語教材Big Fun, Big English作者
● 30年全年齡英語教學經驗

● TEDx 演講訓練者、全台多間學校教育顧問 Speaker trainer for TEDx, Education consultant for schools
● 400 本數位教材研發編輯出版團隊負責人 Director of 400 digital teaching materials
● 12 年英語教學經驗 12-year experience in English teaching

● 40-year experience in storytelling as a teacher and educational consultant.
● Staged for 4000 presentations and workshops in 31 states across the United States and other 15 countries around the world.
● Received the Ilinois “Those Who Excel Award for School Administrators” award.

● Graduated with Master of Play Direction from Korea National University of Arts.
● Appeared in various TV Programs and Films in Korea.
● 8 years of experience in English Musical.
─────────────────────────────── 課程介紹 Program ─────────────────────────────
Day 1 – 語言教育專題講座 Seminars

In this seminar, Ms. Wu will share the firsthand experience of her current English classes in a public high school and shares close observation collected along her nationwide teacher training workshops over the past decades. In the face of the new curriculum, the role of a public school English teacher has transformed. With great expectations from the institutions yet limited teaching hours, how does Ms. Wu make her English Class more than an English Class? She is going to share those tips in her “diary room.”

Having traveled around the world and brought the world to see Taiwan, we experimented exploring language learners’ potentials in real life and witnessed their changes. In this seminar, we propose a chance for you to experience how turning your school into a community-based grocery store can open up you and your students. ”

It is undeniable that the world has changed. Reading appears to be an old-fashioned pastime in the eyes of students around the world ever since the appearance of smartphones. What are the actual benefits of reading, and how could we possibly get students to do it willingly? What should a curriculum and school culture built around literacy look like? Join us as we discuss literacy education, reading programs, and why all this still will matter in your school in 2019 and beyond.
Day 1 – 英語教育工作坊 Workshops
13:20 – 14:10
( 3 選 1 / 現場選課 )

This session will focus on developing independent listeners of English. You will experience easy activities to build your students’ listening skills, and learn why this is more effective than checking comprehension – both for real-life listening and exam success. You will also see how to make an English program which integrates two pillars of language learner independence; Language Knowledge and Language Skills.


For EFL students, grammar instructions should encourage learners to do more than just memorize the rules and complete drills. A proper grammar lesson provides a systemic and gradual approach to grammar learning and sentence/paragraph writing. In this way, students stretch their imagination and express their thoughts through writing while strengthening their grammar knowledge. With this workshop, teachers can examine this level appropriate approach to boost students’ grammar and writing abilities.
14:30 – 15:20
( 3 選 1 / 現場選課 )

For anyone who is interested in integrating systems thinking in English education but still know little about it, Ms. Wu’s workshop will be a great start. In this workshop, she will guide teachers with the basic know-how, firsthand lesson plans and, most valuably, handy classroom activities. If you want to kick off a system-thinking English Class, Ms. Wu’s workshop is a great place for you to set foot in.

Is there a way to prepare students for the future by enriching their critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative abilities in addition to their language skills? In this workshop, we will explore how to do just that with a holistic Language Arts curriculum uniquely designed for non-native speakers of English. Teach through stories, poems, and articles supported by grammar, word study, and comprehension skills, all with overarching themes and questions tying each unit together. Come explore how a new style of teaching might make your English program future-proof.

Hi, teachers! Do you know what controlled-text reading is? Does practice with decodable text in conjunction with a systematic phonics program help first-grade students read better and improve faster? I have developed a reading program in my school to help beginners breed reading self-confidence. I can’t wait to share with you how I plant a seed of love for reading among my young students! See you soon!
15:40 – 16:30
( 3選 1 / 現場選課 )

Kindergarten students play to learn and learn to play together.Join this session to see how to bridge the gap between Kindergarten and Primary. Find out how to structure a story-based lesson to balance fun with language learning. Learn how to grow students’ ability to interpret and act out stories. See how to build students’ confidence to express themselves to an audience. Help your class to shine together!


When it comes to language learning, it is critical for students to integrate all four skills. Often, EFL students are more systematically guided in reading, writing and speaking areas, whereas listening is neglected for our tendency to think that listening would come along with the acquisition of the other skills. A proper listening class focusing on skill reinforcement will academically and socially advance students’ listening. In this workshop, teachers will learn to combine fun and meaningful activities to enhance students’ listening ability.
Day 2 – 語言教育專題講座 Seminars

Use your voice well, engage students from different background, and keep up with crazy youngsters! Through this lecture, we will be learning how to help students find the “magic” of their voice and utilize it in conversations. By doing so, you will find out how easy and fun a language course could be!

Just as modern approaches to English language learning go beyond language to focus on developing life skills, metacognitive skills, and 21st-century skills, multiple reading materials are a great resource to go beyond language, too. This talk will explore how materials such as readers can help students develop a diverse range of skills as well as providing opportunities for language development.

I believe integrating technology to a class is to maximize the effectiveness of teaching. It isn’t new to merge these two big ideas together; however, many language teachers are still caught at the moment for what and how. In over 40 countries I’ve traveled to, I’ve helped teachers around the world to see the value of using technology in teaching. If you are seeking a way to enter this world, this talk will be a good start.
Day 2 – 108 課綱教學體驗實作坊 Workshops
( 3 選 1 / 事先選課 )

As the STEAM concept grows in Taiwan, more and more teachers are trying to integrate STEAM into the curriculum. Yet, one of the most commonly asked questions is also how to start teaching STEAM. In this session, teachers will have a chance to try creating a STEAM classroom, step by step.

Just as modern approaches to English language learning go beyond language to focus on developing life skills, metacognitive skills, and 21st-century skills, multiple reading materials are a great resource to go beyond language, too. This talk will explore how materials such as readers can help students develop a diverse range of skills as well as providing opportunities for language development.

Hi, teachers! Are you facing challenges for teaching? As teachers in the 21st century, we need to think outside the box to fully engage students in learning so as to effectively prepare them for the future. Therefore, every teacher should clearly know how to motivate their students to participate and how to nurture them. This practical workshop will enable participants to work collaboratively and create a new form of lesson plans to fully involve students in learning. This is absolutely a precious chance that you can work with teachers from different teaching backgrounds. Come and experience!
線上師訓嘉年華 Online Micro Teacher Training Courses
∇ 四大特色 ∇

How to pick a good story and make it interesting? How to improve storytelling skills and interact with the listeners? Not to worry! Grandpa Mike will help you will find the answer! Learn the useful skills shared by this World Storytelling Award winner and find the keys to personalize your own story and become a great storyteller.

CLIL brings both academic knowledge and global awareness. It helps children to do things properly and become contributing citizens. You will learn how to apply CLIL to your teaching with reachable teaching materials and find the true learning value for your students in this session.

65% of children entering grade school will work in jobs that do not exist today and the transformation will require at least 16 of the 21st-century core skills. In this session, you will learn how to enable students to acquire the broad set of skills through technology in detail and help them thrive in a rapidly evolving, technology-saturated world.

To bridge global learning with local elements is to vision your students for the future. To bridge local learning with global elements is to make it real, make it relevant, and make an impact

Acknowledging the importance of a focus on reading in ELL education is one thing, but teaching toward literacy is another thing entirely. In this online session, learn how to administer a reading fluency test to your class, teach students how to perform Close Reading, and integrate a variety of comprehension skills which will make intensive reading activities more interactive and productive.


A handy project with a feasible timetable for preparing English Theatre event is here for you, including the warm-up exercises, acting tips, keys to rewrite the scripts, ways to inspire shy kids to do more, stage formations for students, and so on. Join in the session and learn how to plan a wonderful English Theatre.
──────────────────────── 國際英語教學資源博覽會 Exhibition ────────────────────────
────────────────────────────── 報名費用 Fee ──────────────────────────────

────────────────────────────── 活動場次 Venue ──────────────────────────────
─────────────────────────── 我要報名 Registration ────────────────────────────
────────────────────────────── 注意事項 Notice ─────────────────────────────
- 本活動不開放兒童入場
- 本活動無提供免費停車服務,請多利用大眾交通工具
- 敦煌書局保有講者、議程及活動調整、更動之權益
- 活動資訊請以官方活動網頁最新公告為準,若有修改恕不另行個別通知,請參加者隨時注意修改或變更
- 活動前 5 個工作天取消或活動當日未出席,視同自願放棄權利,恕不辦理退費
Day 1 英語教學工作坊
- 每時段的工作坊課程皆採 3 選 1 選課制,參加者於現場自由選擇參加課程
- 每場次座位有限,可參加席次以場地可容納人數為主,超過可容納人數請選擇其他場次,欲參加者請盡早前往
- 先報到者優先入場,額滿為止
- 為保障所有參加者權益及維護課程品質,課程開始 5 分鐘後禁止入場及變更教室
Day 2 108 課綱教學體驗實作坊
- 此課程採事先選課機制,請於線上報名期間完成選課。
- 由主辦單位依照報名順序與選課序位安排課程
- 選課結果將於「活動開始前一週」以電子郵件通知
- 凡完成參與任一場次,皆可同時獲得其他 2 場的教學體驗包
- 因考量講座規劃的完整性,場次可容納人數皆為固定,請勿於現場任意更換場次
- 休息時間將依講師課程規劃為主
- 線上影音師訓微講堂觀看時間為:2019 / 4/1 – 4/30
- 將於 ROADSHOW 實體講座報到時提供您觀看連結與登入帳號密碼
- 線上影音師訓微講堂不單獨銷售,需報名參加 ROADSHOW 實體講座課程才可觀看
- 本服務乃提供給報名 ROADSHOW 課程參加者使用,非經主辦單位書面同意,請勿將本服務轉做為任何型式之商業用途使用,或於公開場合任意轉發,若有任何違反事宜,將因侵犯著作權擔負法律責任。
- 倘若參加者未於實體講座報到,請主動與活動窗口聯繫或撥打服務專線取得觀看資訊。
ROADSHOW 線上書展活動說明
- 線上書展的開放時間為 3/23 – 4/10 ,您將會於活動現場取得進入連結。
- 僅透過線上書展進入網頁才可享 ROADSHOW 特別優惠
- 若您活動後遺失進入連結,請主動與主辦單位聯繫
- 雙日贈送 $300/人,單日 $150/人
- 主辦單位將依照您報名時所填寫的姓名、電話、Email,將消費抵用金直接匯入您個人的會員帳戶中,可於敦煌書局網路商城中的雲端秘書裡觀看。
- 消費抵用金限會員本人使用,恕不得折抵現金,不得轉讓,不得交易,不得轉換。
- 線上書展消費抵用金使用期限為 3/23 – 4/10
- 線上書展消費抵用金可折抵消費金額的一半。舉例:結帳金額 $500,可折抵 $250的消費抵用金。
───────────────────────────── 合作夥伴 Partners ─────────────────────────────

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