活動簡介 About

敦煌書局舉辦 Caves Day 多年,每年針對英語課程規劃、檢定考試,提供老師趨勢性的教學概念及實用教學技巧與課堂活動,幫助老師打造符合教育趨勢與個人班級需求的兒美課程。
我們特別安排了兩位教學領航員和老師一起完成這項 21 世紀探險旅程, 在整個講座過程中,你將獲得:
2 個提案包 閱讀寫作這樣教,英語能力、核心素養一起 up
4 個任務包 解開教學領航員設置的秘密任務,變身 21 世紀英語教師
1 個教案包 跟著教學領航員一起解碼任務,設計專屬於你的課堂教案
快化身秘密教學特工,跟我們一起解任務、成為 21 世紀英語教師!
課程 Program
講座以全英文進行 All the lectures are led in English.
閱讀這樣教:跨領域讀出 21 世紀人生力 Read to Live, Live to Read – Limma Li
Lifelong learning is now regarded as an essential part of life in 21st century which is full of challenges. To meet these challenges, it requires not only lifelong learning itself but changes in the way that students learn. In this session, the presenter will talk about what changes teachers can make to prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow and what they can do to make these changes happen.
- 生活體驗 X 跨科閱讀 Life experience that makes learning meaningful
- 透過英文閱讀培養未來世界的必備技能 Life skills that prepare students for the real world
- 從閱讀啟發追求知識的正向態度 Creating active attitudes towards the pursuit of knowledge

寫作這樣教:用科學腦教出創意寫作者 Step by Step: Writing in the 21st Century – Michael Gough
As we draw closer to the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, it has become clear what is important for students to learn in this age. Our world has changed, and as such, not only have our perspectives on key subjects changed, but also the way we approach them. And make no mistake about it – students require a more unique skillset and they need to develop these critical skills to succeed in the future. Writing in the 21st Century discusses all these things and introduces fun and engaging writing activities that can be brought to the classroom to help students build their 21st century skills.
- 閱讀與分析- 建構寫作第一步 Messaging as a form to discuss a text
- 運用圖表- 讓腦中的想法躍然紙上 Using graphic organizers to help write a text
- 創意寫作實驗- 玩出寫作實力 Using surveys to gather information for a writing project

外帶一份 21 世紀課堂提案 To Go!: A 21st-century Class Proposal

21世紀教學領航員 Facilitators
Chris Yang & Belle Hung
Teachers, Chris and Belle are here to say hello! We will be your facilitators in CAVES DAY 2018. We have invited two experienced teacher trainers and set four secret missions for you to explore the way of becoming a 21st-century teacher. We can’t wait to enjoy this journey with you guys. Are you ready? Here come our featured speakers!
#熱愛英語的出版人 #21 世紀課程規劃專家 #能講又能主持的黃金雙打 #在 CAVES_DAY 等你來唷
講師 Featured Speakers

Hi, teachers! Do you teach reading in your class? When it comes to reading teaching , what springs to your mind? What is your reading class like? Teaching vocabulary? Grammar? Or checking students’ reading comprehension? Wait a moment! Before we talk about what to teach, we have to ponder why we teach reading.
Apart from helping learners build a solid foundation of a foreign language, what else could we do to prepare our students to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow in our reading class? l can’t wait to share my own experience and lots of practical teaching tips with you. I hope you also write down your ideas and see if we think alike. See you soon!

Hello, this is Michael! Many believe writing to be the most challenging part of language learning and teaching. Perhaps this is in part of the focus on sentence patterns and grammar rules. Today in the 21st century, writing is no longer just about these things; it encompasses a broad spectrum of different ideas that engage teachers and students.
As an ELT teacher and a writer of materials for more than 15 years, I have lots to share with you. I value fresh ideas and various techniques to help teachers and students develop a love of writing. Come and see for yourself!
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【Step 3 繳費】收到確認報名通知後,請至郵局劃撥或ATM轉帳繳交報名費用。
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- 敦煌書局保有活動調整與修改之權利,最新資訊請以活動網頁公告為主。
- 本活動無提供免費停車服務,歡迎多加利用大眾交通工具。
- 為維護講座品質,不開放未成年孩童陪同參加,邀您一同共創優質講座環境。

- W21-Writing for 21st Century Kids
- Simply Talk & Write

- Reading for 21st Century Kids
- Henry’s Story
- Enjoy Reading

Other Skills
- Simply Grammar
- Simply Listening
- Simply Phonics
- TOEFL Primary Easy Go