
Serena Ryen 飾 Cleopatra
Serena is so thrilled to be joining ArtSpot! Serena most recently played Miss Square and Mama Square in Polkadots: The Cool Kids Musical at Playhouse On Park and some of her other favorite roles include playing Ismene in Antigone at the Cincinnati Playhouse and Sleeping Beauty in Disenchanted: A New Musical at the NJ Playwrights’ Contest. On screen, she won the CIHCFF award for Best Actress for her performance as Jess in the film “CASHED” and she can also be seen as Charlie Ely in ID Discovery’s “Grave Mysteries”. Serena is beyond grateful to be playing such an iconic role as Cleopatra alongside her fiancé Ethan, and to Lulú and her bestie Luis for making this dream come true!

Kelly Monahan 飾 Arsinoe
Kelly Monahan came from State of Georgia, Atlanda and graduated from Birmingham-Southern College. She has performed “D’argtanan: Defending the Crown” with Artspot: Educational Theatre in 2016. As well as performing in many professional theatres, Kelly has also developed many professional skills, such as music theory, sight singing, technical theatre and set construction. She had been trained in acting, dancing, and vocal in Birmingham-Southern College. . Kelly feels excited and can’t wait to bringing the joy of her art to the audience in Taiwan. She is thrilled and honored to be back with Artspot this year!

Ethan Itzkow 飾 Bek
Ethan Itzkow is a New York based actor and filmmaker. He has performed in nationally touring theater, as well as local NYC theater, including Off-Broadway. He was most recently seen on stage in The Institution at Dixon Place. On screen he will be making his network debut on Lifetime’s new show “YOU” in September, and his film performances will be seen on the festival circuit in both “Horizon” and “CASHED”. He recently won Best Dramatic Short Film at the Colorado International Cannabis and Hemp Film Fest for his short film “CASHED”, which he co-wrote, directed, produced, and played a supporting role in.

Luis Restreppo 飾 Appi
Luis has performed, written, and directed throughout the United States, Asia, Central America and South America. He is the author of The Magical Journey of Abraham and The Moon and the Executive Director of Roundtable Theatre Lab in NYC. He graduated with a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from the University of Florida.
Luis is thrilled to be a part of the Artspot family!
營 造 學 習 氛 圍
提 高 學 習 動 機
創 造 學 習 成 效
增 加 學 習 樂 趣
- Step 1 觀前準備 ﹝學校課程與親子共學皆適用﹞
- 故事閱讀│初步認識劇中大綱、角色
- 歌曲聆聽│4 首戲劇主題曲搶先聽
- 觀前預習│運用分級學習單,想像劇情發展、掌握詞彙句型 (購票後即可下載觀前學習內容)
- Step 2 觀賞劇團演出,沉浸於全英文展演
- Step 3 觀後心得分享,口語表達及寫作練習

CLEOPATRA : The Adventure of a Princess 本書特色
- 全書4章節,結合史實改編而成,敘述CLEOPATRA七世的故事,搭配字彙與閱測練習,給讀者更完整的學習歷程
- 收錄 ArtSpot 國際英語教育劇團4首原創戲劇主題曲,閱聽體驗一次擁有
- CLEOPATRA 相關文化知識及軼事整理,增廣見聞
- 適讀程度:CEFR A2以上學習者
- 參考字彙:教育部公佈之國中2000單字
- 其他收錄:Worksheet, Projects
- 讀本頁數:48頁
- 入場費用:$750/套 (含戲劇入場券1張+《CLEOPATRA : The Adventure of a Princess》讀本1本)
- 團購優惠:購買5套(含)以上,優惠價 $659/套
- 發售日期:2018.8.20 正式發售!購買請洽敦煌書局門市據點或敦煌書局網路商城
- 敬邀對象:國小高年級以上學生 / 家長 / 英語教師 / 英語課程規劃者
- 退貨須知
- 退貨日期:限演出日10天前辦理,每套酌收購買價格30%手續費換票,限演出日10天前辦理,例如:11/17演出節目,11/7(含)前辦理退券,將收購買券價30%手續費,如因天災等不可抗拒或不可歸責之因素取消演出時,受理退貨之相關事宜,依本活動網頁公告處理,不收取任何手續費
- 退貨窗口:請至原購買窗口辦理退貨事宜,於敦煌書局網路商城購買者請遵照網站退換貨規定進行。
- 退貨方式
- 1.換貨 退券需扣除購買票價30%作為手續費。請於退票規定時間內,持「戲劇入場券」、「CLEOPATRA: The Adventure of a Princess 讀本」、「發票正本」至原購買窗口辦理。現金購票之退票方式:退票將扣除購買券價30%的手續費後,將餘額還給您。
- 2.換貨 如欲更換戲劇場次,須進行退貨後重新購買。
- 退券常見問題
- 可否就近至附近銷售門市辦理退貨?很抱歉,退券限於原購買窗口進行辦理。
- 入場券和讀本是否可以分開退貨? 本組合包含之戲劇入場卷和讀本,需一併帶至原購買窗口辦理退貨,不得只退其一品項。
- 退券為何需支付30%手續費? 為避免團購折扣退券的價差計算問題,故以退回購買券價的70%予消費者為退費基準。
- 11/24(六)
- 早上場 10:00-12:00
- 下午場 14:00-16:00
- 晚上場 18:00-20:00
- 11/25(日)
- 早上場 10:00-12:00
- 下午場 14:00-16:00
活動地點:國立台灣科學教育館 9樓 國際會議廳 (台北市士林區士商路189號)
- 中山門市 02-25991169 台北市中山區中山北路三段58號
- 內湖門市 02-87928621 台北市內湖區新湖一路2號
- 天母門市 02-28742199 台北市士林區天玉街38巷5號
- 桃園地區 03-2811035
- 新竹門市 03-5422698 新竹市東大路二段147號
- 中港門市 04-23265559 台中市西區館前路12號
- 台南門市 06-2296347 台南市中西區北門路一段159號
- 高雄門市 07-5615716 高雄市鹽埕區五福四路76-78號